transfer fails

Having problems downloading file ftp over SSH - here is the log text:
[09:45:45] Resolving host name ""
[09:45:45] Connecting to ##.##.###.### Port: 22
[09:45:48] Starting SSH session. Remote Id: "SSH-2.0-WS_FTP-SSH_1.1"
[09:45:48] Initiating key exchange.
[09:45:49] Computing session key.
[09:45:49] Key Exchange Algorithm: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
[09:45:49] Key exchange completed.
[09:45:49] Host Key Algorithm: ssh-rsa
[09:45:49] Client to Server Encryption: aes256-cbc
[09:45:49] Server to Client Encryption: aes256-cbc
[09:45:49] Session HMAC: hmac-sha1
[09:45:49] Client to Server Compression: none
[09:45:49] Server to Client Compression: none
[09:45:49] Authentication request. Method: "none"
[09:45:49] Server supported authentications: publickey,password
[09:45:49] Authentication request. Method: "password"
[09:45:49] User authentication successful.
[09:45:50] SSH session established.
[09:45:50] Connected to
[09:45:50] SFTP protocol version 4
[09:45:50] Detected Server Software: Ipswitch WS_FTP Server
[09:45:50] Resolving path "/users/xxx".
[09:45:50] Path successfully resolved.
[09:45:50] Getting attributes of "/users/xxx.txt".
[09:45:50] Attributes successfully obtained.
[09:45:50] Downloading file "/users/xxx.txt".
[09:45:50] Restarting at 0.
[09:46:51] Timeout (60s).
[09:46:51] Client closed the connection.
[09:46:51] Transfer failed.

Can you provide a test account on the server? We would only need it for 1 day maximum.

Thank you

Can you provide a test account on the server? We would only need it for 1 day maximum.

Thank you

Can you provide a test account on the server? We would only need it for 1 day maximum.

Thank you

This is a client's site and they are very strict with their setups. I would not ask them to setup a test. FYI, Smart FTP worked on this site prior to rebuilding the computer this is running on. I suspect that there is an issue between the current build and a previousl one.

This is a client's site and they are very strict with their setups. I would not ask them to setup a test. FYI, Smart FTP worked on this site prior to rebuilding the computer this is running on. I suspect that there is an issue between the current build and a previousl one.

I am fairly certain I found the problem. This site requires SSH which is only available in the Pro version - I downloaded the Home version. Thanks for your response

No you are using SFTP over SSH which is available in the evaluation version you downloaded. That's not the problem. You can try to force SFTP protocol version 3 instead of 4. You can change the protocol selection in the favorite properties in SFTP dialog.
