Download a list of Images

I have a list of images from a vendor that I need to download. They are in the format of:

Can I use SmartFTP to DL these images? If so, how?

Hello ..

SmartFTP doesn't support the HTTP protocol yet. But it supports a list of ftp:// urls.


SmartFTP doesn't support the HTTP protocol yet. But it supports a list of ftp:// urls.

What about just a list of files?

Images are files or what do you mean?

Images are files or what do you mean?

Well, the FTP folder from my vendor contains a huge amount of files. I don't want to DL the entire folder - I know which ones I want and have their file names. How can I tell SmartFTP to DL just these files? For instance a list as:


Now proceed as following:

1. Enable the Temporary Queue. Menu: View->Other Windows->Temporary Queue
2. Go to the Transfer Queue window (not Temporary Queue window)
3. Click on the Add button in the toolbar (2nd from the left)
4. In the Open dialog select "URL List (*.txt, *.url, *.*)" in the file type selection box
5. Specify your file with all the urls
6. Click OK
7. The files are now added to the Temporary Queue which you have enabled in step 1
8. Select all the items in the Temporary Queue and drag&drop them to a local folder (e.g. C:\Downloads)
9. The items will now appear in the Transfer Queue window
10. Start the Transfer Queue if it is not started yet


Perfect! Thanks so much for the support!