Force download of a XML file when connecting


A XML file is loaded into my HTML editor when SFTP is ask to connect to a site in my favorites??

I just upgraded to the new version... And I love my SFTP - It's such a wunderful program! - Nice, easy and yet so powerful!

I checked the properties... But can't find anything that makes the prg. load a XML file of a site (I don't even creates such a file on my site, I have a sitemap... but not a feed

Hope someone can help out

Keep ftp'ing lads

In the favorite settings of your favorite go to the General->Local dialog and see what you have there. The local folder should be left empty.

Hi MB,

You lost me...
I can't find the "Local dialog" ....

Could you be more detailed and guide me to it...

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A XML file is loaded into my HTML editor when SFTP is ask to connect to a site in my favorites??

I just upgraded to the new version... And I love my SFTP - It's such a wunderful program! - Nice, easy and yet so powerful!

I checked the properties... But can't find anything that makes the prg. load a XML file of a site (I don't even creates such a file on my site, I have a sitemap... but not a feed

Hope someone can help out

Keep ftp'ing lads

I am having the same issue has anyone figured this out yet?

Yes the solution has already been posted. Go to the favorite settings. Then go to the General->Local dialog and make sure that the folder input field is empty.

Yes the solution has already been posted. Go to the favorite settings. Then go to the General->Local dialog and make sure that the folder input field is empty.

I had already tried that. There is nothing listed. When I connect to a favorite my internet explorer opens with the exported XML file for that favorite.

Please post the system information from the menu: Help->About "System Information" dialog.

Thank you