Updating Website

[08:20:20] SmartFTP v3.0.1013.7
[08:20:23] Resolving host name "ftp.libertycreeklabs.com"
[08:20:23] Connecting to Port: 21
[08:20:23] Connected to ftp.libertycreeklabs.com.
[08:20:33] 220 ftp.libertycreeklabs.com FTP Server ready
[08:20:33] USER bbaker
[08:20:34] 331 Password required for bbaker.
[08:20:34] PASS (hidden)
[08:20:34] 230 User bbaker logged in.
[08:20:34] SYST
[08:20:34] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[08:20:34] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[08:20:34] FEAT
[08:20:34] 211-Features:
[08:20:34] MDTM
[08:20:34] REST STREAM
[08:20:34] SIZE
[08:20:34] 211 End
[08:20:34] PWD
[08:20:34] 257 "/home/bbaker" is current directory.
[08:20:34] CWD /mainwebsite_html
[08:20:35] 550 /mainwebsite_html: No such file or directory