Just installed the lastest 32-bit version of 3.01012.17 on XP SP2.
Trying to transfer from one FTP to another. Using admin level accounts for both servers.
Up/Dn loads to/from local computer to/from either server works just fine.
Single file Transfer Que log from source to destination. Note: Folders are created just fine as are all the file NAMES (as zero-byte files).
[12:56:40] Resolving host name ""
[12:56:40] Connecting to Port: 21
[12:56:40] Connected to
[12:56:41] 220 (vsFTPd 2.0.6)
[12:56:41] USER
[12:56:41] 331 Please specify the password.
[12:56:41] PASS (hidden)
[12:56:41] 230 Login successful.
[12:56:41] SYST
[12:56:41] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[12:56:41] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[12:56:41] FEAT
[12:56:41] 211-Features:
[12:56:41] EPRT
[12:56:41] EPSV
[12:56:41] MDTM
[12:56:41] PASV
[12:56:41] REST STREAM
[12:56:41] SIZE
[12:56:41] TVFS
[12:56:41] UTF8
[12:56:41] 211 End
[12:56:41] OPTS UTF8 ON
[12:56:41] 200 Always in UTF8 mode.
[12:56:41] PWD
[12:56:41] 257 "/"
[12:56:41] Resolving host name ""
[12:56:41] Connecting to Port: 21
[12:56:41] Connected to
[12:56:41] 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [TLS] ----------
[12:56:41] 220-You are user number 4 of 50 allowed.
[12:56:41] 220-Local time is now 10:56. Server port: 21.
[12:56:41] 220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server.
[12:56:41] 220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.
[12:56:41] USER comeandr
[12:56:41] 331 User comeandr OK. Password required
[12:56:41] PASS (hidden)
[12:56:42] 230-User comeandr has group access to: comeandr
[12:56:42] 230 OK. Current restricted directory is /
[12:56:42] SYST
[12:56:42] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[12:56:42] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[12:56:42] FEAT
[12:56:42] 211-Extensions supported:
[12:56:42] EPRT
[12:56:42] IDLE
[12:56:42] MDTM
[12:56:42] SIZE
[12:56:42] REST STREAM
[12:56:42] MLST type*;size*;sizd*;modify*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.uid*;UNIX.gid*;unique*;
[12:56:42] MLSD
[12:56:42] ESTP
[12:56:42] PASV
[12:56:42] EPSV
[12:56:42] SPSV
[12:56:42] ESTA
[12:56:42] AUTH TLS
[12:56:42] PBSZ
[12:56:42] PROT
[12:56:42] 211 End.
[12:56:42] Detected Server Software: PureFTPd
[12:56:42] PWD
[12:56:42] 257 "/" is your current location
[12:56:42] CWD /files/gnt
[12:56:42] 250 Directory successfully changed.
[12:56:42] PWD
[12:56:42] 257 "/files/gnt"
[12:56:42] STAT Invitation_final_frontB-s.jpg
[12:56:42] 213-Status follows:
[12:56:42] -rw-r--r-- 1 ftp ftp 67666 Mar 21 18:42 Invitation_final_frontB-s.jpg
[12:56:42] 213 End of status
[12:56:42] MDTM Invitation_final_frontB-s.jpg
[12:56:42] 213 20080321184242
[12:56:42] CWD /public_html/files/gnt
[12:56:42] 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/files/gnt
[12:56:42] PWD
[12:56:42] 257 "/public_html/files/gnt" is your current location
[12:56:42] MLST Invitation_final_frontB-s.jpg
[12:56:42] 550 Can't check for file existence
[12:56:42] File exist check failed. File not found or permission denied.
[12:56:42] STAT Invitation_final_frontB-s.jpg
[12:56:43] 213-STAT
[12:56:43] 213 End.
[12:56:43] TYPE I
[12:56:43] 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary
[12:56:43] SIZE Invitation_final_frontB-s.jpg
[12:56:43] 550 Can't check for file existence
[12:56:43] File exist check failed. File not found or permission denied.
[12:56:43] PASV
[12:56:43] TYPE I
[12:56:43] 227 Entering Passive Mode (69,89,31,58,30,83)
[12:56:43] 200 Switching to Binary mode.
[12:56:43] EPRT |1||7763|
[12:56:43] 500 Illegal EPRT command.
[12:56:43] MDTM 20080321184242 Invitation_final_frontB-s.jpg
[12:56:44] 550 Can't check for file existence
[12:56:44] MFMT 20080321184242 Invitation_final_frontB-s.jpg
[12:56:44] 500 Unknown command
[12:56:44] SITE UTIME Invitation_final_frontB-s.jpg 20080321184242 20080321184242 20080321184242 UTC
[12:56:44] 550 utime(Invitation_final_frontB-s.jpg): No such file or directory
[12:56:44] SITE UTIME 20080321184242 Invitation_final_frontB-s.jpg
[12:56:44] 500 UTC Only[/codebox]
Session log for the Destination server (nothing seen in the Source server's log... just NOOPS):
[codebox][13:25:46] Resolving host name ""
[13:25:46] Connecting to Port: 21
[13:25:46] Connected to
[13:25:46] 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [TLS] ----------
[13:25:46] 220-You are user number 8 of 50 allowed.
[13:25:46] 220-Local time is now 11:25. Server port: 21.
[13:25:46] 220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server.
[13:25:46] 220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.
[13:25:46] USER comeandr
[13:25:47] 331 User comeandr OK. Password required
[13:25:47] PASS (hidden)
[13:25:47] 230-User comeandr has group access to: comeandr
[13:25:47] 230 OK. Current restricted directory is /
[13:25:47] SYST
[13:25:47] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[13:25:47] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[13:25:47] FEAT
[13:25:47] 211-Extensions supported:
[13:25:47] EPRT
[13:25:47] IDLE
[13:25:47] MDTM
[13:25:47] SIZE
[13:25:47] REST STREAM
[13:25:47] MLST type*;size*;sizd*;modify*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.uid*;UNIX.gid*;unique*;
[13:25:47] MLSD
[13:25:47] ESTP
[13:25:47] PASV
[13:25:47] EPSV
[13:25:47] SPSV
[13:25:47] ESTA
[13:25:47] AUTH TLS
[13:25:47] PBSZ
[13:25:47] PROT
[13:25:47] 211 End.
[13:25:47] Detected Server Software: PureFTPd
[13:25:47] PWD
[13:25:47] 257 "/" is your current location
[13:25:53] CWD /public_html/files/gnt
[13:25:53] 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/files/gnt
[13:25:53] PWD
[13:25:54] 257 "/public_html/files/gnt" is your current location
[13:25:54] MLST Invitation_final_frontB-s.jpg
[13:25:54] 550 Can't check for file existence[/codebox]
Session log for a transfer from local computer to the Destination server (Source server behaves the same):
[codebox][13:29:57] PWD
[13:29:57] 257 "/" is your current location
[13:30:11] CWD /public_html/files/gnt
[13:30:11] 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/files/gnt
[13:30:11] PWD
[13:30:11] 257 "/public_html/files/gnt" is your current location
[13:30:11] MLST Invitation_final_frontB-s2.jpg
[13:30:11] 550 Can't check for file existence
[13:30:11] The operation has been added to the Transfer Queue. Check the Transfer Queue for the status.
[13:30:14] MLST Invitation_final_frontB-s2.jpg
[13:30:14] 250-Begin
[13:30:14] type=file;size=67666;modify=20080322014242;UNIX.mode=0644;UNIX.uid=2077;UNIX.gid
=2077;unique=821g55600be; Invitation_final_frontB-s2.jpg
[13:30:14] 250 End.[/codebox]
And last... the Transfer Que log when transferring a single file from Destination server back to Source server...
[codebox][13:35:03] MLST Invitation_final_frontB-s3.jpg
[13:35:03] 250-Begin
[13:35:03] type=file;size=67666;modify=20080322014242;UNIX.mode=0644;UNIX.uid=2077;UNIX.gid
=2077;unique=821g55600be; Invitation_final_frontB-s3.jpg
[13:35:03] 250 End.
[13:35:03] STAT Invitation_final_frontB-s3.jpg
[13:35:04] 213-Status follows:
[13:35:04] 213 End of status
[13:35:04] SIZE Invitation_final_frontB-s3.jpg
[13:35:04] 550 Could not get file size.
[13:35:04] File exist check failed. File not found or permission denied.
[13:35:04] PASV
[13:35:04] 227 Entering Passive Mode (69,89,31,58,14,37)
[13:35:04] EPRT |1||3621|
[13:35:04] 500 Illegal EPRT command.
[13:35:04] MDTM 20080322014242 Invitation_final_frontB-s3.jpg
[13:35:04] 550 Could not set file modification time.
[13:35:34] MLST Invitation_final_frontB-s3.jpg
[13:35:34] 250-Begin
[13:35:34] type=file;size=67666;modify=20080322014242;UNIX.mode=0644;UNIX.uid=2077;UNIX.gid
=2077;unique=821g55600be; Invitation_final_frontB-s3.jpg
[13:35:34] 250 End.
[13:35:34] STAT Invitation_final_frontB-s3.jpg
[13:35:35] 213-Status follows:
[13:35:35] 213 End of status
[13:35:35] SIZE Invitation_final_frontB-s3.jpg
[13:35:35] 550 Could not get file size.
[13:35:35] File exist check failed. File not found or permission denied.
and the session log for the Destination server. Note that the filename IS CREATED on the server being transferred TO if the file doesn't exist, BUT it remains at zero bytes since the file isn't able to be transfered due to the 550 error. This I tried to delete the zero-byte file on the server and could NOT...
[codebox][13:35:03] PORT 192,168,77,100,16,144
[13:35:03] 200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV.
[13:35:03] LIST -aL
[13:35:03] 150 Here comes the directory listing.
[13:35:03] 1267 bytes transferred. (N/A/s) (0 ms)
[13:35:03] 226 Directory send OK.
[13:35:03] The operation has been added to the Transfer Queue. Check the Transfer Queue for the status.
[13:35:04] STAT Invitation_final_frontB-s3.jpg
[13:35:04] 213-Status follows:
[13:35:04] 213 End of status
[13:35:04] TYPE I
[13:35:04] 200 Switching to Binary mode.
[13:35:04] SIZE Invitation_final_frontB-s3.jpg
[13:35:04] 550 Could not get file size.
[13:35:04] MDTM Invitation_final_frontB-s3.jpg
[13:35:04] 550 Could not get file modification time.
[13:36:06] MDTM Invitation_final_frontB-s3.jpg
[13:36:06] 550 Could not get file modification time.
[13:36:27] DELE Invitation_final_frontB-s3.jpg
[13:36:27] 550 Delete operation failed.
[13:36:37] DELE Invitation_final_frontB-s3.jpg
[13:36:37] 550 Delete operation failed.
Trying to transfer from one FTP to another. Using admin level accounts for both servers.
Up/Dn loads to/from local computer to/from either server works just fine.
Single file Transfer Que log from source to destination. Note: Folders are created just fine as are all the file NAMES (as zero-byte files).
[12:56:40] Resolving host name ""
[12:56:40] Connecting to Port: 21
[12:56:40] Connected to
[12:56:41] 220 (vsFTPd 2.0.6)
[12:56:41] USER
[12:56:41] 331 Please specify the password.
[12:56:41] PASS (hidden)
[12:56:41] 230 Login successful.
[12:56:41] SYST
[12:56:41] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[12:56:41] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[12:56:41] FEAT
[12:56:41] 211-Features:
[12:56:41] EPRT
[12:56:41] EPSV
[12:56:41] MDTM
[12:56:41] PASV
[12:56:41] REST STREAM
[12:56:41] SIZE
[12:56:41] TVFS
[12:56:41] UTF8
[12:56:41] 211 End
[12:56:41] OPTS UTF8 ON
[12:56:41] 200 Always in UTF8 mode.
[12:56:41] PWD
[12:56:41] 257 "/"
[12:56:41] Resolving host name ""
[12:56:41] Connecting to Port: 21
[12:56:41] Connected to
[12:56:41] 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [TLS] ----------
[12:56:41] 220-You are user number 4 of 50 allowed.
[12:56:41] 220-Local time is now 10:56. Server port: 21.
[12:56:41] 220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server.
[12:56:41] 220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.
[12:56:41] USER comeandr
[12:56:41] 331 User comeandr OK. Password required
[12:56:41] PASS (hidden)
[12:56:42] 230-User comeandr has group access to: comeandr
[12:56:42] 230 OK. Current restricted directory is /
[12:56:42] SYST
[12:56:42] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[12:56:42] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[12:56:42] FEAT
[12:56:42] 211-Extensions supported:
[12:56:42] EPRT
[12:56:42] IDLE
[12:56:42] MDTM
[12:56:42] SIZE
[12:56:42] REST STREAM
[12:56:42] MLST type*;size*;sizd*;modify*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.uid*;UNIX.gid*;unique*;
[12:56:42] MLSD
[12:56:42] ESTP
[12:56:42] PASV
[12:56:42] EPSV
[12:56:42] SPSV
[12:56:42] ESTA
[12:56:42] AUTH TLS
[12:56:42] PBSZ
[12:56:42] PROT
[12:56:42] 211 End.
[12:56:42] Detected Server Software: PureFTPd
[12:56:42] PWD
[12:56:42] 257 "/" is your current location
[12:56:42] CWD /files/gnt
[12:56:42] 250 Directory successfully changed.
[12:56:42] PWD
[12:56:42] 257 "/files/gnt"
[12:56:42] STAT Invitation_final_frontB-s.jpg
[12:56:42] 213-Status follows:
[12:56:42] -rw-r--r-- 1 ftp ftp 67666 Mar 21 18:42 Invitation_final_frontB-s.jpg
[12:56:42] 213 End of status
[12:56:42] MDTM Invitation_final_frontB-s.jpg
[12:56:42] 213 20080321184242
[12:56:42] CWD /public_html/files/gnt
[12:56:42] 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/files/gnt
[12:56:42] PWD
[12:56:42] 257 "/public_html/files/gnt" is your current location
[12:56:42] MLST Invitation_final_frontB-s.jpg
[12:56:42] 550 Can't check for file existence
[12:56:42] File exist check failed. File not found or permission denied.
[12:56:42] STAT Invitation_final_frontB-s.jpg
[12:56:43] 213-STAT
[12:56:43] 213 End.
[12:56:43] TYPE I
[12:56:43] 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary
[12:56:43] SIZE Invitation_final_frontB-s.jpg
[12:56:43] 550 Can't check for file existence
[12:56:43] File exist check failed. File not found or permission denied.
[12:56:43] PASV
[12:56:43] TYPE I
[12:56:43] 227 Entering Passive Mode (69,89,31,58,30,83)
[12:56:43] 200 Switching to Binary mode.
[12:56:43] EPRT |1||7763|
[12:56:43] 500 Illegal EPRT command.
[12:56:43] MDTM 20080321184242 Invitation_final_frontB-s.jpg
[12:56:44] 550 Can't check for file existence
[12:56:44] MFMT 20080321184242 Invitation_final_frontB-s.jpg
[12:56:44] 500 Unknown command
[12:56:44] SITE UTIME Invitation_final_frontB-s.jpg 20080321184242 20080321184242 20080321184242 UTC
[12:56:44] 550 utime(Invitation_final_frontB-s.jpg): No such file or directory
[12:56:44] SITE UTIME 20080321184242 Invitation_final_frontB-s.jpg
[12:56:44] 500 UTC Only[/codebox]
Session log for the Destination server (nothing seen in the Source server's log... just NOOPS):
[codebox][13:25:46] Resolving host name ""
[13:25:46] Connecting to Port: 21
[13:25:46] Connected to
[13:25:46] 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [TLS] ----------
[13:25:46] 220-You are user number 8 of 50 allowed.
[13:25:46] 220-Local time is now 11:25. Server port: 21.
[13:25:46] 220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server.
[13:25:46] 220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.
[13:25:46] USER comeandr
[13:25:47] 331 User comeandr OK. Password required
[13:25:47] PASS (hidden)
[13:25:47] 230-User comeandr has group access to: comeandr
[13:25:47] 230 OK. Current restricted directory is /
[13:25:47] SYST
[13:25:47] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[13:25:47] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[13:25:47] FEAT
[13:25:47] 211-Extensions supported:
[13:25:47] EPRT
[13:25:47] IDLE
[13:25:47] MDTM
[13:25:47] SIZE
[13:25:47] REST STREAM
[13:25:47] MLST type*;size*;sizd*;modify*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.uid*;UNIX.gid*;unique*;
[13:25:47] MLSD
[13:25:47] ESTP
[13:25:47] PASV
[13:25:47] EPSV
[13:25:47] SPSV
[13:25:47] ESTA
[13:25:47] AUTH TLS
[13:25:47] PBSZ
[13:25:47] PROT
[13:25:47] 211 End.
[13:25:47] Detected Server Software: PureFTPd
[13:25:47] PWD
[13:25:47] 257 "/" is your current location
[13:25:53] CWD /public_html/files/gnt
[13:25:53] 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/files/gnt
[13:25:53] PWD
[13:25:54] 257 "/public_html/files/gnt" is your current location
[13:25:54] MLST Invitation_final_frontB-s.jpg
[13:25:54] 550 Can't check for file existence[/codebox]
Session log for a transfer from local computer to the Destination server (Source server behaves the same):
[codebox][13:29:57] PWD
[13:29:57] 257 "/" is your current location
[13:30:11] CWD /public_html/files/gnt
[13:30:11] 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/files/gnt
[13:30:11] PWD
[13:30:11] 257 "/public_html/files/gnt" is your current location
[13:30:11] MLST Invitation_final_frontB-s2.jpg
[13:30:11] 550 Can't check for file existence
[13:30:11] The operation has been added to the Transfer Queue. Check the Transfer Queue for the status.
[13:30:14] MLST Invitation_final_frontB-s2.jpg
[13:30:14] 250-Begin
[13:30:14] type=file;size=67666;modify=20080322014242;UNIX.mode=0644;UNIX.uid=2077;UNIX.gid
=2077;unique=821g55600be; Invitation_final_frontB-s2.jpg
[13:30:14] 250 End.[/codebox]
And last... the Transfer Que log when transferring a single file from Destination server back to Source server...
[codebox][13:35:03] MLST Invitation_final_frontB-s3.jpg
[13:35:03] 250-Begin
[13:35:03] type=file;size=67666;modify=20080322014242;UNIX.mode=0644;UNIX.uid=2077;UNIX.gid
=2077;unique=821g55600be; Invitation_final_frontB-s3.jpg
[13:35:03] 250 End.
[13:35:03] STAT Invitation_final_frontB-s3.jpg
[13:35:04] 213-Status follows:
[13:35:04] 213 End of status
[13:35:04] SIZE Invitation_final_frontB-s3.jpg
[13:35:04] 550 Could not get file size.
[13:35:04] File exist check failed. File not found or permission denied.
[13:35:04] PASV
[13:35:04] 227 Entering Passive Mode (69,89,31,58,14,37)
[13:35:04] EPRT |1||3621|
[13:35:04] 500 Illegal EPRT command.
[13:35:04] MDTM 20080322014242 Invitation_final_frontB-s3.jpg
[13:35:04] 550 Could not set file modification time.
[13:35:34] MLST Invitation_final_frontB-s3.jpg
[13:35:34] 250-Begin
[13:35:34] type=file;size=67666;modify=20080322014242;UNIX.mode=0644;UNIX.uid=2077;UNIX.gid
=2077;unique=821g55600be; Invitation_final_frontB-s3.jpg
[13:35:34] 250 End.
[13:35:34] STAT Invitation_final_frontB-s3.jpg
[13:35:35] 213-Status follows:
[13:35:35] 213 End of status
[13:35:35] SIZE Invitation_final_frontB-s3.jpg
[13:35:35] 550 Could not get file size.
[13:35:35] File exist check failed. File not found or permission denied.
and the session log for the Destination server. Note that the filename IS CREATED on the server being transferred TO if the file doesn't exist, BUT it remains at zero bytes since the file isn't able to be transfered due to the 550 error. This I tried to delete the zero-byte file on the server and could NOT...
[codebox][13:35:03] PORT 192,168,77,100,16,144
[13:35:03] 200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV.
[13:35:03] LIST -aL
[13:35:03] 150 Here comes the directory listing.
[13:35:03] 1267 bytes transferred. (N/A/s) (0 ms)
[13:35:03] 226 Directory send OK.
[13:35:03] The operation has been added to the Transfer Queue. Check the Transfer Queue for the status.
[13:35:04] STAT Invitation_final_frontB-s3.jpg
[13:35:04] 213-Status follows:
[13:35:04] 213 End of status
[13:35:04] TYPE I
[13:35:04] 200 Switching to Binary mode.
[13:35:04] SIZE Invitation_final_frontB-s3.jpg
[13:35:04] 550 Could not get file size.
[13:35:04] MDTM Invitation_final_frontB-s3.jpg
[13:35:04] 550 Could not get file modification time.
[13:36:06] MDTM Invitation_final_frontB-s3.jpg
[13:36:06] 550 Could not get file modification time.
[13:36:27] DELE Invitation_final_frontB-s3.jpg
[13:36:27] 550 Delete operation failed.
[13:36:37] DELE Invitation_final_frontB-s3.jpg
[13:36:37] 550 Delete operation failed.