unable to upoad new files

I have a problem uploading new files to the server I'm using. I have no problem with uploading the file "konk.htm". This is a file that are already on the server. "spill.htm" is the fille I'm not able to upload. What can the problem be?

Here is the log:

[14:15:37] SmartFTP v3.0.1011.18
[14:15:38] Resolving host name
[14:15:38] Connecting to xxxxxxxxxx Port: 21
[14:15:39] Connected to http.gauthun.com.
[14:15:39] 220-Microsoft FTP Service
[14:15:39] 220 Welcome to Talkactives ftp server.
[14:15:39] USER xxxxxxxxx
[14:15:39] 331 Password required for xxxx
[14:15:39] PASS (hidden)
[14:15:39] 230 User xxxxxxxxx logged in.
[14:15:39] SYST
[14:15:39] 215 Windows_NT
[14:15:39] Detected Server Type: Windows NT
[14:15:39] FEAT
[14:15:39] 211-FEAT
[14:15:39] SIZE
[14:15:39] MDTM
[14:15:39] 211 END
[14:15:39] TYPE I
[14:15:39] 200 Type set to I.
[14:15:39] REST 0
[14:15:39] 350 Restarting at 0.
[14:15:40] PWD
[14:15:40] 257 "/" is current directory.
[14:15:40] CWD /gauthun.com
[14:15:40] 250 CWD command successful.
[14:15:40] PWD
[14:15:40] 257 "/gauthun.com" is current directory.
[14:15:40] TYPE A
[14:15:40] 200 Type set to A.
[14:15:40] PASV
[14:15:40] 227 Entering Passive Mode (xxxxxxxxxxxx).
[14:15:40] Opening data connection to xxxxxxxxxxxx Port: 4640
[14:15:40] LIST -aL
[14:15:40] 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
[14:15:40] 2088 bytes transferred. (19,2 kB/s) (106 ms)
[14:15:40] 226 Transfer complete.
[14:15:47] TYPE I
[14:15:47] 200 Type set to I.
[14:15:47] SIZE konk.htm
[14:15:47] 213 114042
[14:15:47] MDTM konk.htm
[14:15:47] 213 20080405121605
[14:15:48] The operation has been added to the Transfer Queue. Check the Transfer Queue for the status.
[14:15:55] STAT konk.htm
[14:15:55] 213-status of konk.htm:
[14:15:55] 04-05-08 02:17PM 114042 konk.htm
[14:15:55] 213 End of status.
[14:15:55] MDTM konk.htm
[14:15:55] 213 20080405121733
[14:16:01] SIZE spill.htm
[14:16:01] 550 spill.htm: The system cannot find the file specified.
[14:16:01] MDTM spill.htm
[14:16:01] 550 spill.htm: The system cannot find the file specified.
[14:16:01] CWD /gauthun.com/spill.htm
[14:16:01] 550 /gauthun.com/spill.htm: The system cannot find the file specified.
[14:16:01] TYPE A
[14:16:01] 200 Type set to A.
[14:16:01] PASV
[14:16:01] 227 Entering Passive Mode (xxxxxxxxxxxxx).
[14:16:01] Opening data connection to xxxxxxxxxxxxx Port: 4643
[14:16:01] LIST -aL
[14:16:01] 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
[14:16:01] 2088 bytes transferred. (35,1 kB/s) (58 ms)
[14:16:02] 226 Transfer complete.
[14:16:02] The operation has been added to the Transfer Queue. Check the Transfer Queue for the status.
[14:16:03] STAT spill.htm
[14:16:03] 213-status of spill.htm:
[14:16:03] 213 End of status.
[14:16:03] TYPE I
[14:16:03] 200 Type set to I.
[14:16:03] SIZE spill.htm
[14:16:03] 550 spill.htm: The system cannot find the file specified.
[14:16:03] MDTM spill.htm
[14:16:04] 550 spill.htm: The system cannot find the file specified.

Then please post the log from the Transfer Queue.

Then please post the log from the Transfer Queue.

When I saw the log from the transfer queue I found the problem. There was no more space on the web hotel. Tks for rapid help