Filter based on date?

I can see you are able to set up a filter, but it seems only a filter which is based on the filename.

Is it possible to filter a file based on its system date? I need to set up a transfer which only transfers local files that are less than X months old.

Is this possible?



No this is not directly possible with the FTP client. But you can write a small script using the FTP Library which exactly does what you want.

No this is not directly possible with the FTP client. But you can write a small script using the FTP Library which exactly does what you want.

I wouldn't have a clue where to start; can you provide a quick example?



Hello ..
This is the place to start: ... opic=13484

And more examples can be found in the FTP Library:

Basically you would write a script if you would like to automate some transfers. E.g. if you want to download all the files from a folder with the date/time older than 1. March 2008 every Sunday. If this is a one-time task scripting would probably not be suitable.


Thanks, Mat. I'll check it out. In the meantime, don't you think that the ability to filter on date would be a useful (integral) feature of smartftp? Seems like a common thing to want to filter on.


Hmm. Having looked at this, I'm a bit confused about the relationship between the SDK, the Library, and SmartFTP. Do I Need both the SDK and the Library to write my simple script? What does each give me? A licence to use the Library starts at $399 :-(


A license for the SmartFTP Professional Edition is enough.

A license for the SmartFTP Professional Edition is enough.

I'm still confused. A Professional Edition license gives you access to the FTP Library you pointed me to? If so, why would anyone buy a Library license if they can buy a Pro Edition license at a fraction of the cost?

Or does the Pro Edition license just give you the ability to script SmartFTP (e.g. enough that I can do my date filtering)? If so, what exactly does the Library add on top?

I'm probably being thick here.


PS no possibility of having date filtering as an integral feature?

The Pro gives you the ability to use the scripting functionality. The FTP Library is bought by developers who want to develop their own application using the library and later distribute their application with our component.


Thanks for the clarification. I guess I just need the Pro license, then.

