Cannot get Smartftp to work

I have just installed Smartftp on my computer but I keep getting the message: Unable to resolve host name. I am using 1&1 as my domain host. I don't know what I shoild type in the box: user name as 1&1 didn't give me one.

I have just installed Smartftp on my computer but I keep getting the message: Unable to resolve host name. I am using 1&1 as my domain host. I don't know what I shoild type in the box: user name as 1&1 didn't give me one.

go to your one and one control panel and select FTP settings.. you will see your username (which is in the form u9999999)

for 'host' you would use your actual site name (without the www stuff))

go to your one and one control panel and select FTP settings.. you will see your username (which is in the form u9999999)

for 'host' you would use your actual site name (without the www stuff))

Thanks Prettypenny, that worked.
But we were also logged in on a different type of account.
We needed to be in "Beginner" account in order to access the FTP info................But we were on some other account. Fortunately a friend has smartftp and we were able to go and see what was different about hers.