Bad instalation

Hi. Uset smartftp for some years, but the latest v2,5 1008 messed up when installed. Aksked for "smartftp.msi" that dont exist. Simly a bad installation procedure. OS: xp home ed.

The solution presented at this site dosent work. The microsoft linkt for cleaning up is incorrect.

Hello ...

Uninstall the currently installed verison of SmartFTP. Then install the latest version from:


Hi - I'm getting exactly the same problem tonight. SmartFTP stopped working yesterday (clicking on desktop icon fails to launch programme). So tried reinstall (from the link given above), but I'm getting this .mis incompatibility issue.

Anyone have any other tips since the current download doesn't seem to work?

To Millieminx ......... I've encountered a very similar problem. See my recent posting at ... 13526.html.

I've found that clicking on the OK button at the bottom of the expiration warning window just closes the window without starting SmartFTP, but if I keep on trying to start SmartFTP then I eventually get the licence reminder window rather than the expiration warning window, and SmartFTP seems to start okay from the licence reminder window. Somewhat wierd ..... and far from satisfactory ..... but at least it lets me use SmartFTP for the moment.

I tried downloading and installing v2.5, with limited success. I got the message about the missing smartftp.msi file, but managed to get round it somehow by uninstalling SmartFTP and having another go at installing v2.5. Mind you, my computer's Program Files folder now seems to have both a SmartFTP Client folder and a SmartFTP Client 2.0 folder, so I may have a rather screwed up SmartFTP installation now.

Can anyone suggest how to get all this sorted out?

Hello ..

Uninstall all versions of SmartFTP installed. Then install the latest version from:


Hello ..

Uninstall all versions of SmartFTP installed. Then install the latest version from:


Sorry, You cant repeat this to everyone. Trying to uninstall fails even from microsoft controlpanel add/remove programs, smartFTP dosent disapear correctly. Even when remove in registery, it makes failure. When trying to reinstall afterwards, it also messes up. I love SmartFTP but after aprx 2 our of wasted time, im consider other alternatives....

Hello ...

Try to install it from:

You should never touch the registry unless you know what you are doing.
