Images not displaying on website

When I view the index.html page from SmartFTP (right click, open) it all looks great, but when I go to the website, independantly (through IE or firefox, type in the URL) none of the images show up. I have the same box, with a weird symbol in the corner showing, like many people have mentioned. So the browser knows its an image, but its not able to display it.

Can anyone help me?

Do I need to do anything in particular to the images in SmartFTP other than drag and drop them into the public_html folder....?
I was going along thinking I was doing ok, and then, when I told a friend to have a look at the website, they told me all the images were missing?
How come the open function on index.html doesn;t show you what is actually live? How do I make it look like that?


Leeroy, I have never used SmartFTP in the same way as you, but have experience in web page editing, and from your symptoms I'd say that you have not reaaly uploaded the images. Maybe the links in the index page point to your hard disk, and so Smart shows the images from disk, not from the server.
The key should be in your page source code.

Leeroy, I have never used SmartFTP in the same way as you, but have experience in web page editing, and from your symptoms I'd say that you have not reaaly uploaded the images. Maybe the links in the index page point to your hard disk, and so Smart shows the images from disk, not from the server.
The key should be in your page source code.

Thanks Angel-H.
Does that mean I should be putting the complete URL in for the img src?
If I have an image called "logo.jpg" in the public_html folder in Smartftp, how would I put that in the source code? Could you add it in here to show me?
Your help is appreciated.

