I can use the Transfer Queue to transfer most of the files between two remote server.
But if the file is the alphabetical last file in source directory, then it cannot been transfer using "Transfer Queue".
But the file can transfer using "Direct Connect".
Please help.
Here is the log I get:
[14:03:33] Resolving host name "admsu1"
[14:03:33] Connecting to Port: 21
[14:03:33] Connected to admsu1.
[14:03:33] 220 admsu1 FTP server (SunOS 5.8) ready.
[14:03:33] USER oracle
[14:03:33] 331 Password required for oracle.
[14:03:33] PASS (hidden)
[14:03:33] 230 User oracle logged in.
[14:03:33] SYST
[14:03:33] 215 UNIX Type: L8 Version: SUNOS
[14:03:33] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[14:03:33] FEAT
[14:03:33] 500 'FEAT': command not understood.
[14:03:33] TYPE I
[14:03:33] 200 Type set to I.
[14:03:33] REST 0
[14:03:33] 502 REST command not implemented.
[14:03:33] PWD
[14:03:33] 257 "/home/fs/d01/app/oracle" is current directory.
[14:03:33] Resolving host name "admsu7"
[14:03:33] Connecting to Port: 21
[14:03:33] Connected to admsu7.
[14:03:33] 220 admsu7 FTP server (SunOS 5.8) ready.
[14:03:33] USER oracle
[14:03:33] 331 Password required for oracle.
[14:03:33] PASS (hidden)
[14:03:33] 230 User oracle logged in.
[14:03:33] SYST
[14:03:33] 215 UNIX Type: L8 Version: SUNOS
[14:03:33] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[14:03:33] FEAT
[14:03:33] 500 'FEAT': command not understood.
[14:03:33] TYPE I
[14:03:33] 200 Type set to I.
[14:03:33] REST 0
[14:03:33] 502 REST command not implemented.
[14:03:33] PWD
[14:03:33] 257 "/home/fs/d01/app/oracle" is current directory.
[14:03:33] CWD /home/fs/d01/app/oracle/forward
[14:03:33] 250 CWD command successful.
[14:03:33] PWD
[14:03:33] 257 "/home/fs/d01/app/oracle/forward" is current directory.
[14:03:33] SIZE tmp.sql
[14:03:33] 500 'SIZE tmp.sql': command not understood.
[14:03:33] SIZE not supported.
[14:03:33] MDTM tmp.sql
[14:03:33] 500 'MDTM tmp.sql': command not understood.
[14:03:33] Obtaining file information (size/date) from directory listing.
[14:03:33] TYPE A
[14:03:33] 200 Type set to A.
[14:03:33] PASV
[14:03:33] 227 Entering Passive Mode (143,89,14,55,139,198)
[14:03:33] Opening data connection to Port: 35782
[14:03:33] LIST -aL
[14:03:33] 150 ASCII data connection for /bin/ls (,4110) (0 bytes).
[14:03:33] 1153 bytes transferred. (70.3 KB/s) (16 ms)
[14:03:33] 226 ASCII Transfer complete.
[14:03:33] File "tmp.sql" not found in directory listing.
But if the file is the alphabetical last file in source directory, then it cannot been transfer using "Transfer Queue".
But the file can transfer using "Direct Connect".
Please help.
Here is the log I get:
[14:03:33] Resolving host name "admsu1"
[14:03:33] Connecting to Port: 21
[14:03:33] Connected to admsu1.
[14:03:33] 220 admsu1 FTP server (SunOS 5.8) ready.
[14:03:33] USER oracle
[14:03:33] 331 Password required for oracle.
[14:03:33] PASS (hidden)
[14:03:33] 230 User oracle logged in.
[14:03:33] SYST
[14:03:33] 215 UNIX Type: L8 Version: SUNOS
[14:03:33] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[14:03:33] FEAT
[14:03:33] 500 'FEAT': command not understood.
[14:03:33] TYPE I
[14:03:33] 200 Type set to I.
[14:03:33] REST 0
[14:03:33] 502 REST command not implemented.
[14:03:33] PWD
[14:03:33] 257 "/home/fs/d01/app/oracle" is current directory.
[14:03:33] Resolving host name "admsu7"
[14:03:33] Connecting to Port: 21
[14:03:33] Connected to admsu7.
[14:03:33] 220 admsu7 FTP server (SunOS 5.8) ready.
[14:03:33] USER oracle
[14:03:33] 331 Password required for oracle.
[14:03:33] PASS (hidden)
[14:03:33] 230 User oracle logged in.
[14:03:33] SYST
[14:03:33] 215 UNIX Type: L8 Version: SUNOS
[14:03:33] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[14:03:33] FEAT
[14:03:33] 500 'FEAT': command not understood.
[14:03:33] TYPE I
[14:03:33] 200 Type set to I.
[14:03:33] REST 0
[14:03:33] 502 REST command not implemented.
[14:03:33] PWD
[14:03:33] 257 "/home/fs/d01/app/oracle" is current directory.
[14:03:33] CWD /home/fs/d01/app/oracle/forward
[14:03:33] 250 CWD command successful.
[14:03:33] PWD
[14:03:33] 257 "/home/fs/d01/app/oracle/forward" is current directory.
[14:03:33] SIZE tmp.sql
[14:03:33] 500 'SIZE tmp.sql': command not understood.
[14:03:33] SIZE not supported.
[14:03:33] MDTM tmp.sql
[14:03:33] 500 'MDTM tmp.sql': command not understood.
[14:03:33] Obtaining file information (size/date) from directory listing.
[14:03:33] TYPE A
[14:03:33] 200 Type set to A.
[14:03:33] PASV
[14:03:33] 227 Entering Passive Mode (143,89,14,55,139,198)
[14:03:33] Opening data connection to Port: 35782
[14:03:33] LIST -aL
[14:03:33] 150 ASCII data connection for /bin/ls (,4110) (0 bytes).
[14:03:33] 1153 bytes transferred. (70.3 KB/s) (16 ms)
[14:03:33] 226 ASCII Transfer complete.
[14:03:33] File "tmp.sql" not found in directory listing.