smartftp 2.5 preferences.....can't connect anymore

hello with new 2.5 connection preferences can't find a way to connect to my home ftp

my config.

remote LAN:
Lan HDD on port 3021

local LAN:
router (
PC1 ( port 3021
notebook ( port 3022 (smartftp installed)

with smartftp 2.0 I can connect (LanHDD on port 3021) <----> ( notebook on port 3022)
with smartftp 2.5 I think I make same setup, but it stop on LIST command

[18:09:02] 350 Requested file action pending further information.
[18:09:02] PWD
[18:09:03] 257 "/" is current directory.
[18:09:03] TYPE A
[18:09:03] 200 Type set to A.
[18:09:03] PORT XX,XXX,XXX,XXX,16,61
[18:09:03] 200 Command okay.
[18:09:03] LIST -aL

I setup port range from 3022 to 3022 but looks like smartftp 2.5 ignore this setting and in the PORT command use a random PORT


ok, sorry, reading forum I solved this, I've to setup dirst Local port range, then create the favourite connecion