Only exclusion filters?

I note that in the SmartFTP version I'm using (the latest, but for personal use only) there is only an option to insert an exclusion filter... no option for inserting an inclusion filter. Am I missing something? Are inclusion filters only in the licensed version?

I guess I can invert the filter with a secret regexp modifier, if only I knew regexps better than I do


Hello ..

The "Filters" settings have two types. You can either include files or exclude files. Doing both at the same time is confusing and unnecessary.


Thanks, Mat. That does it. Now I'm seeing what I'm meant to see.

Any idea why I was picking up an older version from your download page, only yesterday? I've certainly cleared my browser cache quite recently.



Hello Mike ...

A couple of users had the same problem in the last few weeks. may not have updated all their mirrors correctly.


It does seem to be very out of date: from 2.0.1000 to 2.5.1005 seems like a big lag.

Anyhow, thanks for the link to the most recent version... I had begun to wonder why all your help pages were telling me about things that I couldn't see! Now the help pages are in sync with the application!



Is there any way you can reproduce the problem? Did you download SmartFTP from the first time?
