I'm having some trouble connecting to an SSL ftp. Any idea what could be causing this problem? There is nothing wrong with the server since ftprush connects just fine.
And here is the log from ftprush:
[05:28:36] Connecting to Port: 5003
[05:28:36] Connected to
[05:28:36] 220 ### OFFICIAL ZDNET MIRROR V3.1 ###
[05:28:36] AUTH TLS
[05:28:37] 234 AUTH TLS successful
[05:28:37] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...
[05:28:37] SSL/TLS client handshake failed (Error = 0x8009030f).
[05:28:37] The message or signature supplied for verification has been altered
[05:28:37] Cannot login waiting to retry (30s)...
[05:28:37] Client closed the connection.
And here is the log from ftprush:
(05:31:20) [2] Connecting to
(05:31:20) [2] 220 ### OFFICIAL ZDNET MIRROR V3.1 ###
(05:31:20) [2] AUTH TLS
(05:31:20) [2] 234 AUTH TLS successful
(05:31:21) [2] Encryption algorithm: TLSv1 DHE-DSS-AES256-SHA-256
(05:31:21) [2] PBSZ 0
(05:31:21) [2] 200 PBSZ 0 successful
(05:31:21) [2] USER username
(05:31:22) [2] 331 Password required for username.
(05:31:22) [2] PASS (hidden)