SSL/TLS client handshake failed (Error = 0x8009030f).

I'm having some trouble connecting to an SSL ftp. Any idea what could be causing this problem? There is nothing wrong with the server since ftprush connects just fine.

[05:28:36] Connecting to Port: 5003

[05:28:36] Connected to

[05:28:36] 220 ### OFFICIAL ZDNET MIRROR V3.1 ###

[05:28:36] AUTH TLS

[05:28:37] 234 AUTH TLS successful

[05:28:37] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...

[05:28:37] SSL/TLS client handshake failed (Error = 0x8009030f).

[05:28:37] The message or signature supplied for verification has been altered

[05:28:37] Cannot login waiting to retry (30s)...

[05:28:37] Client closed the connection.

And here is the log from ftprush:

(05:31:20) [2] Connecting to

(05:31:20) [2] 220 ### OFFICIAL ZDNET MIRROR V3.1 ###

(05:31:20) [2]	 AUTH TLS

(05:31:20) [2] 234 AUTH TLS successful

(05:31:21) [2] Encryption algorithm: TLSv1 DHE-DSS-AES256-SHA-256

(05:31:21) [2]	 PBSZ 0

(05:31:21) [2] 200 PBSZ 0 successful

(05:31:21) [2]	 USER username

(05:31:22) [2] 331 Password required for username.

(05:31:22) [2]	 PASS (hidden)


What version of SmartFTP are you using? Post the information from the menu: Help->About "System Information" dialog.

What FTP server software (name and version) is running on the server?


it's the latest version since I just downloaded it, but here is the info:

+- System -----------------------------

Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate Edition 

 (Build 6000)

CPU Speed		 : 3369 MHz

Total Memory	  : 1022 MB

Free Memory	   :  137 MB

+- SmartFTP ---------------------------

Version		   : 2.5.1005.36

Time Stamp		: 2007-05-21 03:45:14

Platform		  : x86

+- Application DLL --------------------

sfFTPLib.dll	  :

sfFavorites.dll   :

SmartHook.dll	 :

+- Language ---------------------------

SmartFTP.exe	  : 2.5.1005.36

+- Internet Explorer ------------------

Version		   : 7.0.6000.16386

+- Winsock ----------------------------

Winsock		   : 2.2

The server version is: glFTPd 2.00 Linux+TLS


Install the latest version of glftpd. Even better install something else than glftpd and you will not have any problems with SSl/TLS.


After reading a couple of other posts it appears that the problem is with the actual library, so why not fix it instead? Every other ftp client I've tried works just fine: ftprush, flashfxp heck even core ftp.

Hello ...

Can you provide an account on a FTP server which allows us to debug this problem?



I've got the same problem with the last version 2.5.1008

[20:05:00] 220 FTP (NcFTPd Server v 2.73 ) ready.
[20:05:00] AUTH TLS
[20:05:00] 234 AUTH TLS successful
[20:05:00] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...
[20:05:01] SSL/TLS client handshake failed (Error = 0x8009030f).
[20:05:01] Le message ou la signature fourni pour la vérification a été modifié

With all others clients I've tried (FileZilla, FlashFXP, ...) a pop-up ask me to accept a certificat and then I'm connected.
With SmartFTP, I tried all the certificats options in the connection manager, but nothing work...

can someone help ?


Hello ...

We can debug the problem if you can provide us the hostname, username and password. The username/password may not be necessary.


Hello ...

We can debug the problem if you can provide us the hostname, username and password. The username/password may not be necessary.


I have someone trying to connect to my server having the same problem. I suspect it is their firewall, however I can provide you with access to my server with a test username and password. Do you allow Private Messages on this forum?


johnwcahill: Please try to connect to your server with SmartFTP. If it doesn't work please post the log of your FTP session. If it works the problem is very likely on your user's end.
