SmartFTP und IPCop


I'm connected to the internet via fireall of an IPCop server. The server has a static IP address and you can connect through standard port 3128. But I'm having the problem of connecting to an external ftp server in SmartFTP.

When I'm connecting to an external ftp server via browser (e.g. IE) with submitting user name and password in the address line, it works. Connecting via ftp.exe is also making problems. Here are the protocols.

ftp.exe: Unknown host.

[10:40:48] SmartFTP v2.5.1005.19
[10:40:48] Resolving host name ""
[10:41:03] Unable to resolve host name. Ignoring.
[10:41:03] Proxy: Resolving host name
[10:41:03] Connecting to Port: 21
[10:41:03] Proxy: Connecting to HTTP proxy server Port: 3128
[10:41:03] Proxy: Connected to proxy server. Sending connection request.
[10:41:03] Proxy: Request failed. HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden
[10:41:03] Eine bestehende Verbindung wurde softwaregesteuert
[10:41:03] durch den Hostcomputer abgebrochen.
[10:41:03] Cannot login waiting to retry (30s)...
[10:41:03] Client closed the connection.
[10:41:03] Active Help:

How and where do I configure SmartFTP correctly that it connects to an external ftp server ?
The proxy settings aren't directly visible in version 2.5. I guess they must be set in the "Favorites" module, in the "Default favorite" section and than "Edit".

Hello ..

You need a HTTP proxy which supports the CONNECT verb. A SOCKS proxy will do it as well.


I believe the integrated squid proxy will work with the CONNECT statement.
I had the same problems on my former W2k computer but somehow I got it working. Unfortunately I hadn't saved these settings anywhere with the integrated backup tool.

Hello ..

You need a HTTP proxy which supports the CONNECT verb. A SOCKS proxy will do it as well.


Hello ..

From the log you can see that your squid proxy rejects the HTTP CONNECT request.


OK, it's a little bit confusing with the settings box in version 2.5 of SmartFTP.

I disabled proxy in "Connection --> Proxy" of the settings dialog.
Than I entered "FTP --> Connection --> Proxy", choose "OPEN hostname" as type and entered my proxy ip address and port into the text boxes.
In "FTP --> Connection", FEAT, PASV, Force PASV, UPnP are enabled, Port IP mode is "Auto".

Now, it seems as if I'm getting through the firewall but can't connect to the external ftp server. Here's the logs (it's an anonymous ftp server).

[07:28:47] SmartFTP v2.5.1005.19
[07:28:47] Resolving host name ""
[07:28:47] Connecting to Port: 3128
[07:28:47] Connected to
[07:29:47] Timeout (60s).
[07:29:47] Active Help:
[07:29:47] Client closed the connection.
[07:29:47] Cannot login waiting to retry (30s)...
[07:30:17] Continue to login attempt 2...
[07:30:17] Resolving host name ""
[07:30:17] Connecting to Port: 3128
[07:30:17] Connected to
[07:31:17] Timeout (60s).

My suggestion is to figure out what proxy type your squid proxy supports instead of using your trial and error approach. As far as I know if the HTTP CONNECT verb is not enabled on the squid it will not work (with SmartFTP). I think if you would do a quick search in the forum for squid you will find all information required.


I've looked for "SmartFTP, "IPCop" and "squid" in the whole forum. There are some entries but still nobody replied on them.