Strange file problem

Hi all.

I'm really not sure if this is a problem related to SmartFTP or not... but I'll give it a shot.

I created, and uploaded to my site, an html page (named rssnewspage.html).

It worked fine for weeks, no problem.

A user at our community informed me today, though, that the page was broken.

I checked, and sure enough, it was.

The strange part is, when I viewed the file in question through SmartFTP, I discovered that somehow the rssnewspage.html file has been changed into a rssnewspage.html FOLDER. O_o

It was then that I noticed that my internet browser was treating it as a folder as well... an empty folder.

I have no idea what happened, I know I didn't change anything... at least not intentionally. From memory, I haven't even been in that particular folder (where the oddly-converted file resides) for quite a while.

But, I wondered if it's possible I changed something through SmartFTP accidently? I know there are many commands within SmartFTP which are meaningless to me, and I've never used them... but perhaps I did something by mistake?

Any ideas on how to get this file back to being a file?

There is no option to turn files into folders in SmartFTP. And I somehow doubt is really is a folder, probably is only gets displayed as such. Can you actually change into the directory? If so, are there any files inside? Moreover, please post the raw directory listing (search the forum how to do that) of the folder containing "rssnewspage.html".

There is no option to turn files into folders in SmartFTP. And I somehow doubt is really is a folder, probably is only gets displayed as such. Can you actually change into the directory? If so, are there any files inside? Moreover, please post the raw directory listing (search the forum how to do that) of the folder containing "rssnewspage.html".

Yes, I can navigate into the directory, and it is empty.

The Raw listing for the folder containing rssnewspage.html (the folder is called "rss") is:
type=cdir;sizd=4096;modify=20070123235521;UNIX.mode=0705;UNIX.uid=3298;UNIX.gid=520;unique=eg6b89c5; .
type=pdir;sizd=4096;modify=20070124002218;UNIX.mode=0705;UNIX.uid=3298;UNIX.gid=520;unique=egfc467a; ..
type=file;size=14275;modify=20070106231418;UNIX.mode=0705;UNIX.uid=3298;UNIX.gid=520;unique=eg6b89ca; rss2html-docs.txt
type=file;size=74022;modify=20070107194324;UNIX.mode=0705;UNIX.uid=3298;UNIX.gid=520;unique=eg6b89c6; rss2html.php
type=file;size=2437;modify=20070123235408;UNIX.mode=0705;UNIX.uid=3298;UNIX.gid=520;unique=eg6b89c8; rss_newspage_template.html
type=file;size=2426;modify=20070108012019;UNIX.mode=0705;UNIX.uid=3298;UNIX.gid=520;unique=eg6b89cb; rss_table_template.html
type=dir;sizd=4096;modify=20070118000442;UNIX.mode=0705;UNIX.uid=3298;UNIX.gid=520;unique=eg6b89cc; rssnewspage.html
type=file;size=868;modify=20070105214532;UNIX.mode=0705;UNIX.uid=3298;UNIX.gid=520;unique=eg6b89c7; sample-template.html

Okay, it seems that for some reason the file really became a folder (and not SmartFTP just displaying it as such). I'm afraid I can think of no way how and why that happened, nor how to recover the file. Please talk to your FTP server admin about that issue and ask him if he did something like changing the server software or migrating to another filesystem.

Very odd. lol

Thanks for the quick responses.