Transfer timeout with successful resume


Please check what is going: I'm also having this problem for months! I never reported the bug myself because I noticed it had already been reported several times.

This problem is independent of FTP servers, file types and file sizes, however I noticed it is more common with bigger files. It occurs both uploading and downloading.

[15:06:26] SIZE FileToDownload.rar
[15:06:27] 213 40633453
[15:06:27] MDTM FileToDownload.rar
[15:06:27] 213 20070123020824
[15:06:27] Compression disabled. File "FileToDownload.rar" matches exception ".*\.rar$".
[15:06:27] MODE S
[15:06:27] 200 Mode S ok.
[15:06:27] PASV
[15:06:27] 227 Entering Passive Mode (,162,247)
[15:06:27] Opening data connection to Port: 41719
[15:06:27] RETR FileToDownload.rar
[15:06:27] 150 Data connection accepted from; transfer starting for /Drive/Path/DownloadFolder/FileToDownload.rar (40633453 bytes)
[15:12:46] 40633453 bytes transferred. (104 KB/s) (00:06:19)
[15:21:01] Resolving host name ""
[15:21:01] Connecting to Port: 26021
[15:21:01] Connected to
[15:21:06] 220 Gene6 FTP Server v3.8.0 (Build 34) ready...
[15:21:06] USER Username
[15:21:06] 331 Password required for Username.
[15:21:06] PASS (hidden)
[15:21:06] 230 User Username logged in.
[15:21:06] SYST
[15:21:06] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[15:21:06] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[15:21:06] FEAT
[15:21:06] 211-Extensions supported:
[15:21:06] AUTH TLS
[15:21:06] CCC
[15:21:06] CLNT
[15:21:06] CPSV
[15:21:06] EPRT
[15:21:06] EPSV
[15:21:06] MDTM
[15:21:06] MFCT
[15:21:06] MFMT
[15:21:06] MLST type*;size*;create;modify*;
[15:21:06] MODE Z
[15:21:06] PASV
[15:21:06] PBSZ
[15:21:06] PROT
[15:21:06] REST STREAM
[15:21:06] SIZE
[15:21:06] SSCN
[15:21:06] TVFS
[15:21:06] UTF8
[15:21:06] XCRC "filename" SP EP
[15:21:06] XMD5 "filename" SP EP
[15:21:06] XSHA1 "filename" SP EP
[15:21:06] 211 End.
[15:21:06] Detected Server Software: Gene6 FTP Server 3.x
[15:21:06] CLNT SmartFTP 2.0.1002
[15:21:06] 200 Noted.
[15:21:06] OPTS UTF8 ON
[15:21:06] 200 UTF8 OPTS ON
[15:21:06] PWD
[15:21:06] 257 "/" is current directory.
[15:21:06] CWD /Drive/Path/DownloadFolder
[15:21:07] 250 CWD command successful. "/Drive/Path/DownloadFolder" is current directory.
[15:21:07] PWD
[15:21:07] 257 "/Drive/Path/DownloadFolder" is current directory.
[15:21:07] TYPE I
[15:21:07] 200 Type set to I.
[15:21:07] SIZE FileToDownload.rar
[15:21:07] 213 40633453
[15:21:07] MDTM FileToDownload.rar
[15:21:07] 213 20070123020824
[15:21:07] Compression disabled. File "FileToDownload.rar" matches exception ".*\.rar$".
[15:21:07] PASV
[15:21:07] 227 Entering Passive Mode (,238,42)
[15:21:07] Opening data connection to Port: 60970
[15:21:07] RETR FileToDownload.rar
[15:21:07] 150 Data connection accepted from; transfer starting for /Drive/Path/DownloadFolder/FileToDownload.rar (40633453 bytes)
[15:26:11] 40633453 bytes transferred. (130 KB/s) (00:05:04)
[15:26:11] 226 File sent ok.
[15:26:11] MDTM FileToDownload.rar
[15:26:11] 213 20070123020824
[15:26:11] Timeout dynamically set to 720s
[15:26:11] XSHA1 "FileToDownload.rar"
[15:26:21] 250 F8AE058094CC895F6FAFE5581062E39ACE1F8B8F
[15:26:21] Using SHA1 hash from server: F8AE058094CC895F6FAFE5581062E39ACE1F8B8F
[15:26:21] Calculated SHA1 hash of FileToDownload.rar: F8AE058094CC895F6FAFE5581062E39ACE1F8B8F

As you may noticed, this is a log of a successful download. However, this was the second time I've tried to download this file. In the first attempt, the download (using Transfer Queue) "hanged" preciselly as usual (WHEN it hangs!) it got stuck in this step "[15:26:11] 40633453 bytes transferred. (130 KB/s) (00:05:04)". If you stop Transfer Queue and check the downloaded file against the original you notice it is not corrupted, this is SmartFTP successfully downloads the files however gets stuck in the mentioned step. And depending on your particular SmartFTP configuration, the file is downloaded over and over again...

The transfer just timed out the first time. This is not related to SmartFTP.
With your high timeout of 720s you got the impression it "hanged". Decrease the timeout to 60s.