Unable to view directories in Folder View Pane

From a Windows2003 command prompt, I can access the ftp site and view the files in any of the directories. WSFTP also has no problem resolving the directory structure of the ftp site, but in Smartftp, I am unable to view directories in Folder View Pane, after I connect to the site. I can go the the Smartftp Command Prompt Toolbar and cd to the directory if I know the directory name, but then I am unable to successfully upload any files.

Here is the attached log file, when I click on the Show Raw Directory, a Notepad session pops up, with nothing in the Notepad

[20060926 11:49:10] 230 Login OK. Proceed.
[20060926 11:49:10] SYST
[20060926 11:49:10] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[20060926 11:49:10] FEAT
[20060926 11:49:10] 500 command not understood
[20060926 11:49:10] TYPE I
[20060926 11:49:10] 200 Type set to I.
[20060926 11:49:10] REST 0
[20060926 11:49:10] 350 restarting at 0 - send STOR or RETR to initiate transfer.
[20060926 11:49:10] PWD
[20060926 11:49:11] 257 "/" is current folder.
[20060926 11:49:15] TYPE A
[20060926 11:49:15] 200 Type set to A.
[20060926 11:49:15] PASV
[20060926 11:49:15] 227 Entering Passive Mode (3,40,33,10,98,217)
[20060926 11:49:15] Opening data connection to Port: 25305
[20060926 11:49:15] LIST -aL
[20060926 11:49:15] 200 Command okay.
[20060926 11:49:15] Transfer successful without opening a data connection.
[20060926 11:49:16] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list.
[20060926 11:49:16] 226 Transfer complete. 128 bytes transferred. 128 bps.
[20060926 11:50:02] Log closed

System info:

+- System -----------------------------
Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional
Service Pack 4 (Build 2195)

CPU Speed : 1595 MHz
Total Memory : 515444 KB
Free Memory : 155332 KB

+- SmartFTP ---------------------------
Version : 2.0.996.28
Time Stamp : 2006-05-23 00:42:17
Platform : x86

+- Application DLL --------------------
sfFTPLib.dll :
SmartHook.dll :

+- Language ---------------------------
SmartFTP.exe : 2.0.996.28

+- System DLL -------------------------
shell32.dll : 5.00.3900.7105
shlwapi.dll : 6.00.2800.1740 (xpsp2.050831-1533)
comctl32.dll : 5.81
riched20.dll :
schannel.dll : 5.00.2195.6960

+- Internet Explorer ------------------
Version : 6.0.2800.1106

+- Winsock ----------------------------
Winsock : 2.2

Hello ..

Please post the complete log of your FTP session. Please include a raw directory as well. You can get it by right-clicking on the folder and then select "Show Raw Directory" listing.

Add the system information which you canf ind in the Menu: Help: About dialog as well.

Thank you.

I have the same problem, with the most recent version and the Beta. I've verified the files *are* there through FileZilla and an SSH client. I've tried to access the files (2 known directories are 'files' and 'web') via the command line, also no success.

The client's server is a VDE environment through XO. It's weird to deal with, but I've never had a problem connecting via FTP.

FTP log:

[03:22:13] SmartFTP v2.0.998.35

[03:22:14] Resolving host name "domain.com"

[03:22:14] Connecting to 207.155.248.XXX Port: 21

[03:22:14] Connected to domain.com.

[03:22:14] 220 conqueror FTP server (CH/1.9) ready.

[03:22:14] USER admin%domain.com

[03:22:14] 331 Password required for admin%domain.com.

[03:22:14] PASS (hidden)

[03:22:14] 230 User admin logged in.

[03:22:14] SYST

[03:22:14] 215 UNIX Type: L8

[03:22:14] Detected Server Type: UNIX

[03:22:14] TYPE I

[03:22:14] 200 Type set to I.

[03:22:14] REST 0

[03:22:14] 350 Restarting at 0. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.

[03:22:14] PWD

[03:22:14] 257 "/" is current directory.

[03:22:14] TYPE A

[03:22:14] 200 Type set to A.

[03:22:14] PASV

[03:22:14] 227 Entering Passive Mode (207,155,248,XXX,195,81)

[03:22:14] Opening data connection to 207.155.248.XXX Port: 50001

[03:22:14] LIST -T

[03:22:14] 550 -T: No such file or directory.

[03:22:14] Automatic failover of data connection mode from "Passive Mode (PASV)" to "Active Mode (PORT)".

[03:22:14] PORT 192,168,1,100,7,232

[03:22:14] 200 PORT command successful.

[03:22:14] LIST -T

[03:22:14] 550 -T: No such file or directory.

[03:23:04] NOOP

[03:23:04] 200 NOOP command successful.

[03:23:55] NOOP

[03:23:55] 200 NOOP command successful.

[03:24:07] PASV

[03:24:07] 227 Entering Passive Mode (207,155,248,XXX,195,81)

[03:24:07] Opening data connection to 207.155.248.XXX Port: 50001

[03:24:07] LIST -T

[03:24:07] 550 -T: No such file or directory.

[03:24:36] CWD /web

[03:24:36] 250 CWD command successful.

[03:24:36] PWD

[03:24:36] 257 "/web" is current directory.

[03:24:36] PASV

[03:24:36] 227 Entering Passive Mode (207,155,248,XXX,195,82)

[03:24:36] Opening data connection to 207.155.248.XXX Port: 50002

[03:24:36] LIST -T

[03:24:36] 550 -T: No such file or directory.

[03:24:41] PASV

[03:24:41] 227 Entering Passive Mode (207,155,248,XXX,195,83)

[03:24:41] Opening data connection to 207.155.248.XXX Port: 50003

[03:24:41] LIST -T

[03:24:41] 550 -T: No such file or directory.

[03:24:46] CWD

[03:24:46] 250 CWD command successful.

[03:24:46] PWD

[03:24:46] 257 "/" is current directory.

[03:24:46] PASV

[03:24:46] 227 Entering Passive Mode (207,155,248,XXX,195,84)

[03:24:46] Opening data connection to 207.155.248.XXX Port: 50004

[03:24:46] LIST -T

[03:24:46] 550 -T: No such file or directory.

[03:24:53] PASV

[03:24:53] 227 Entering Passive Mode (207,155,248,XXX,195,86)

[03:24:53] Opening data connection to 207.155.248.XXX Port: 50006

[03:24:53] LIST -T

[03:24:53] 550 -T: No such file or directory.

[03:25:04] CWD /files

[03:25:04] 250 CWD command successful.

[03:25:04] PWD

[03:25:04] 257 "/files" is current directory.

[03:25:04] PASV

[03:25:04] 227 Entering Passive Mode (207,155,248,XXX,195,87)

[03:25:04] Opening data connection to 207.155.248.XXX Port: 50007

[03:25:04] LIST -T

[03:25:04] 550 -T: No such file or directory.

[03:25:54] NOOP

[03:25:54] 200 NOOP command successful.

[03:26:00] CWD /

[03:26:00] 250 CWD command successful.

[03:26:00] PWD

[03:26:00] 257 "/" is current directory.

[03:26:00] MKD test

[03:26:00] 550 The root directory can't be modified -- use /files or /web instead.

[03:26:42] CWD /web

[03:26:42] 250 CWD command successful.

[03:26:42] PWD

[03:26:42] 257 "/web" is current directory.

[03:26:42] PASV

[03:26:42] 227 Entering Passive Mode (207,155,248,XXX,195,85)

[03:26:42] Opening data connection to 207.155.248.XXX Port: 50005

[03:26:42] LIST -T

[03:26:42] 550 -T: No such file or directory.

[03:26:44] CWD /files

[03:26:45] 250 CWD command successful.

[03:26:45] PWD

[03:26:45] 257 "/files" is current directory.

[03:26:45] PASV

[03:26:45] 227 Entering Passive Mode (207,155,248,XXX,195,89)

[03:26:45] Opening data connection to 207.155.248.XXX Port: 50009

[03:26:45] LIST -T

[03:26:45] 550 -T: No such file or directory.

[03:26:46] CWD /

[03:26:46] 250 CWD command successful.

[03:26:46] PWD

[03:26:46] 257 "/" is current directory.

[03:26:46] PASV

more of the same

[03:29:15] LIST -T

[03:29:15] 550 -T: No such file or directory.

[03:30:05] NOOP

[03:30:05] 200 NOOP command successful.

[03:30:55] NOOP

[03:30:55] 200 NOOP command successful.

[03:31:45] NOOP

[03:31:45] 200 NOOP command successful.

[03:32:35] NOOP

[03:32:35] 200 NOOP command successful.

[03:33:03] CWD/web

[03:33:03] 500 'CWD/WEB': command not understood.

[03:33:53] NOOP

[03:33:53] 200 NOOP command successful.

[03:34:43] NOOP

[03:34:43] 200 NOOP command successful.

[03:35:34] NOOP

[03:35:34] 200 NOOP command successful.

[03:36:24] NOOP

[03:36:24] 200 NOOP command successful.

[03:37:14] NOOP

[03:37:14] 200 NOOP command successful.

[03:38:04] NOOP

[03:38:04] 200 NOOP command successful.

[03:38:54] NOOP

[03:38:54] 200 NOOP command successful.

[03:39:44] NOOP

[03:39:44] 200 NOOP command successful.

[03:40:34] NOOP

[03:40:34] 200 NOOP command successful.

I can't print a raw listing because SmartFTP "sees" nothing and won't provide any listing.

My System Info:

+- System -----------------------------

Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional 

Service Pack 4 (Build 2195)

CPU Speed		 : 2791 MHz

Total Memory	  : 457712 KB

Free Memory	   :  23088 KB

+- SmartFTP ---------------------------

Version		   : 2.0.998.35

Time Stamp		: 2006-09-25 16:33:22

Platform		  : x86

+- Application DLL --------------------

sfFTPLib.dll	  :

SmartHook.dll	 :

+- Language ---------------------------

SmartFTP.exe	  : 2.0.998.35

+- System DLL -------------------------

shell32.dll	   : 5.00.3900.7105

shlwapi.dll	   : 6.00.2800.1740 (xpsp2.050831-1533)

comctl32.dll	  : 5.81

riched20.dll	  :

schannel.dll	  : 5.00.2195.6960

+- Internet Explorer ------------------

Version		   : 6.0.2800.1106

+- Winsock ----------------------------

Winsock		   : 2.2

Hi, try to disable -T from tools, settings, transfer, directory listing options.

That was it! Thank you!

Since this is not a bug, should I delete my post?

No its not necessary. I moved the thread to the appropriate forum.
