Copy URL

Ok well i don't understand the other people's errors they are getting all i am annoyed about is the stupid thing not doing anything

ok i went into the favorite editor thing...

for the http url i have

for the root path


ok so when i copy say...index.html i should get



i get stupid ... /index.htm

wtf.....i don't want all that extra crap there how do i fix it?

it worked before when i had the EXACT same settings on my other computer...i do not understand.

See ... opic=11443, I don't know how to explain it any better.

Try removing the final /

Try removing the final /

OMG...why does something stupid like that work....

thanks lol

OMG...why does something stupid like that work....
Because you are running a very old build of SmartFTP 2.0 ... this issues has been fixed quite a while ago.