Cannot see complete file listing on UNIX server

I am using anonymous userid to ftp to our IBM AIX server using SMARTFTP client. We have about 68000 files in the directory. This problem is unpredictable. One day, I can see a complete file listing in the directory using SMARTFTP. Next day, I cannot see a complete file listing in the directory using SMARTFTP. I could only see files starting with INTF but I cannot see files starting with ORIG. If I run ftp from the AIX command line to the server, I can see all the files. IBM Support said that there is nothing wrong with the server. I am running AIX version 5.3 TL04.

The home directory for the anonymous ftp userid is an NFS filesystem. This AIX server is part of an IBM HACMP cluster and the NFS filesystem is a NFS cross-mounted filesystem to itself.

Is there any configuration on the SmartFTP client which I have to set to be able to see all the files in the directory or is there any configuration I have to make on the AIX server so the SmartFTP client can show all the files? Is there any limitation on how many files can be listed and displayed in the SmartFTP client?

Thank you in advance for any help to resolve this strange problem.

Hi, try downloading the last SmartFTP build from my signature.

Hello ...

Please provide complete problem description including the logs of your FTP sessions and the raw directory listing. Send at least 2 logs, one show the log of the full directory listing and the other one showing the log of the incomplete directory listing. The same for the raw directory listings.

Thank you.

Hello ...

Please provide complete problem description including the logs of your FTP sessions and the raw directory listing. Send at least 2 logs, one show the log of the full directory listing and the other one showing the log of the incomplete directory listing. The same for the raw directory listings.

Thank you.

Problem Description:
When I use SmartFTP and login as anonymous, I cannot see all the files in the /MQ/2006-08 directory. There are 68000 files. I only see a subset of all the files in the directory.

Here is the Log for the anonymous ftp session where I don't see all the files:

[09:38:26] SmartFTP v2.0.997.4
[09:38:26] Resolving host name ""
[09:38:26] Connecting to Port: 21
[09:38:27] Connected to
[09:38:27] 220 pc1db0u FTP server (Version 4.2 Fri Oct 7 19:22:01 CDT 2005) ready.
[09:38:27] USER anonymous
[09:38:27] 331 Guest login ok, send ident as password.
[09:38:27] PASS (hidden)
[09:38:27] 230-Last unsuccessful login: Thu May 30 15:38:29 EDT 2002 on /dev/pts/4 from pc1ci0b
[09:38:27] 230-Last login: Mon Sep 11 16:52:33 EDT 2006 on ftp from ::ffff:
[09:38:27] 230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
[09:38:27] SYST
[09:38:27] 215 UNIX Type: L8 Version: BSD-44
[09:38:27] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[09:38:27] FEAT
[09:38:27] 500 'FEAT': command not understood.
[09:38:27] TYPE I
[09:38:27] 200 Type set to I.
[09:38:27] REST 0
[09:38:27] 350 Restarting at 0 Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.
[09:38:27] PWD
[09:38:27] 257 "/" is current directory.
[09:38:27] TYPE A
[09:38:27] 200 Type set to A; form set to N.
[09:38:27] PASV
[09:38:27] 227 Entering Passive Mode (172,19,244,62,170,222)
[09:38:27] Opening data connection to Port: 43742
[09:38:27] LIST
[09:38:27] 150 Opening data connection for /bin/ls.
[09:38:27] 2094 bytes transferred. (18.7 KB/s) (109 ms)
[09:38:27] 226 Transfer complete.
[09:38:38] CWD /MQ
[09:38:38] 250 CWD command successful.
[09:38:38] PWD
[09:38:38] 257 "/MQ" is current directory.
[09:38:38] PASV
[09:38:38] 227 Entering Passive Mode (172,19,244,62,170,223)
[09:38:38] Opening data connection to Port: 43743
[09:38:38] LIST
[09:38:38] 150 Opening data connection for /bin/ls.
[09:38:40] 225304 bytes transferred. (110 KB/s) (00:00:01)
[09:38:40] 226 Transfer complete.
[09:38:45] CWD /MQ/2006-08
[09:38:45] 250 CWD command successful.
[09:38:45] PWD
[09:38:45] 257 "/MQ/2006-08" is current directory.
[09:38:45] PASV
[09:38:45] 227 Entering Passive Mode (172,19,244,62,170,225)
[09:38:45] Opening data connection to Port: 43745
[09:38:45] LIST
[09:38:45] 150 Opening data connection for /bin/ls.
[09:38:53] 226 Transfer complete.
[09:38:53] 437361 bytes transferred. (53.1 KB/s) (00:00:08)
[09:39:45] NOOP
[09:39:45] 200 NOOP command successful.
[09:40:36] NOOP
[09:40:36] 200 NOOP command successful.
[09:41:27] NOOP
[09:41:27] 200 NOOP command successful.

Here is a partial raw file listing (which doesn't list all the files. The missing files are the files which start with ORIG). The raw file listing is too big to paste. Is there a way to attach the entire raw file listing?
-rw-r----- 1 209 303 946 Aug 1 09:16 INTF_0407.INS.OUT.REPLY-800.X063MBG0OD.20060801_091106_000576.xml
-rw-r----- 1 209 303 946 Aug 7 15:16 INTF_0407.INS.OUT.REPLY-800.X063MBWDPD.20060807_150628_000002.xml
-rw-r----- 1 209 303 946 Aug 1 09:16 INTF_0407.INS.OUT.REPLY-800.X063MCG0OD.20060801_091109_000898.xml
-rw-r----- 1 209 303 946 Aug 7 15:16 INTF_0407.INS.OUT.REPLY-800.X063MCWDPD.20060807_150629_000008.xml
-rw-r----- 1 209 303 946 Aug 1 09:16 INTF_0407.INS.OUT.REPLY-800.X063MDG0OD.20060801_091113_000880.xml
-rw-r----- 1 209 303 946 Aug 7 15:16 INTF_0407.INS.OUT.REPLY-800.X063MDWDPD.20060807_150630_000023.xml
-rw-r----- 1 209 303 946 Aug 1 09:16 INTF_0407.INS.OUT.REPLY-800.X063MEG0OD.20060801_091115_000909.xml
-rw-r----- 1 209 303 946 Aug 7 15:16 INTF_0407.INS.OUT.REPLY-800.X063MEWDPD.20060807_150631_000032.xml

The following is a partial listing of files which I see when I run ftp from the AIX command line (not using the SmartFTP client):

Any idea on why I can see a complete file listing using the SmartFTP client?

Hello ..

Thank you.
Could you also send the log from a session where you see all the files?
Can you find the files that are not listed/displayed in the raw directory listing?

In case the ORIG files are hidden, go to Settings->Transfer "Directory Listing Options" and enable "Show All Files". This will add the -a argument to the LIST command: e.g. LIST -a


Hello ..

Thank you.
Could you also send the log from a session where you see all the files?
Can you find the files that are not listed/displayed in the raw directory listing?

In case the ORIG files are hidden, go to Settings->Transfer "Directory Listing Options" and enable "Show All Files". This will add the -a argument to the LIST command: e.g. LIST -a


I just noticed that I can see all the files when I login using SmartFTP as root userid but not as anonymous userid.

Attached is the log from a session whereI see all the files:
[15:06:12] SmartFTP v2.0.997.4
[15:06:12] Resolving host name ""
[15:06:12] Connecting to Port: 21
[15:06:12] Connected to
[15:06:12] 220 pc1db0u FTP server (Version 4.2 Fri Oct 7 19:22:01 CDT 2005) ready.
[15:06:12] USER root
[15:06:12] 331 Password required for root.
[15:06:12] PASS (hidden)
[15:06:12] 230-Last unsuccessful login: Wed Sep 13 11:04:37 EDT 2006 on ftp from ::ffff:
[15:06:12] 230-Last login: Wed Sep 13 15:04:57 EDT 2006 on ftp from ::ffff:
[15:06:12] 230 User root logged in.
[15:06:12] SYST
[15:06:12] 215 UNIX Type: L8 Version: BSD-44
[15:06:12] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[15:06:12] FEAT
[15:06:12] 500 'FEAT': command not understood.
[15:06:12] TYPE I
[15:06:12] 200 Type set to I.
[15:06:12] REST 0
[15:06:12] 350 Restarting at 0 Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.
[15:06:12] PWD
[15:06:12] 257 "/" is current directory.
[15:06:12] TYPE A
[15:06:12] 200 Type set to A; form set to N.
[15:06:12] PASV
[15:06:12] 227 Entering Passive Mode (172,19,244,62,194,116)
[15:06:12] Opening data connection to Port: 49780
[15:06:12] LIST -a
[15:06:12] 150 Opening data connection for /bin/ls.
[15:06:12] 6687 bytes transferred. (435 KB/s) (15 ms)
[15:06:12] 226 Transfer complete.
[15:06:18] CWD /usr
[15:06:18] 250 CWD command successful.
[15:06:18] PWD
[15:06:18] 257 "/usr" is current directory.
[15:06:18] PASV
[15:06:18] 227 Entering Passive Mode (172,19,244,62,194,118)
[15:06:18] Opening data connection to Port: 49782
[15:06:18] LIST -a
[15:06:18] 150 Opening data connection for /bin/ls.
[15:06:18] 3784 bytes transferred. (246 KB/s) (15 ms)
[15:06:18] 226 Transfer complete.
[15:06:24] CWD /usr/sap
[15:06:24] 250 CWD command successful.
[15:06:24] PWD
[15:06:24] 257 "/usr/sap" is current directory.
[15:06:24] PASV
[15:06:24] 227 Entering Passive Mode (172,19,244,62,194,121)
[15:06:24] Opening data connection to Port: 49785
[15:06:24] LIST -a
[15:06:24] 150 Opening data connection for /bin/ls.
[15:06:24] 1068 bytes transferred. (69.5 KB/s) (15 ms)
[15:06:24] 226 Transfer complete.
[15:06:29] CWD /usr/sap/shared
[15:06:29] 250 CWD command successful.
[15:06:29] PWD
[15:06:29] 257 "/usr/sap/shared" is current directory.
[15:06:29] PASV
[15:06:29] 227 Entering Passive Mode (172,19,244,62,194,122)
[15:06:29] Opening data connection to Port: 49786
[15:06:29] LIST -a
[15:06:29] 150 Opening data connection for /bin/ls.
[15:06:29] 2215 bytes transferred. (135 KB/s) (16 ms)
[15:06:29] 226 Transfer complete.
[15:06:35] CWD /usr/sap/shared/MQ
[15:06:35] 250 CWD command successful.
[15:06:35] PWD
[15:06:35] 257 "/usr/sap/shared/MQ" is current directory.
[15:06:35] PASV
[15:06:35] 227 Entering Passive Mode (172,19,244,62,194,124)
[15:06:35] Opening data connection to Port: 49788
[15:06:35] LIST -a
[15:06:35] 150 Opening data connection for /bin/ls.
[15:06:36] 226 Transfer complete.
[15:06:36] 269649 bytes transferred. (562 KB/s) (468 ms)
[15:06:40] CWD /usr/sap/shared/MQ/2006-08
[15:06:40] 250 CWD command successful.
[15:06:40] PWD
[15:06:40] 257 "/usr/sap/shared/MQ/2006-08" is current directory.
[15:06:41] PASV
[15:06:41] 227 Entering Passive Mode (172,19,244,62,194,125)
[15:06:41] Opening data connection to Port: 49789
[15:06:41] LIST -a
[15:06:41] 150 Opening data connection for /bin/ls.
[15:06:53] 7717235 bytes transferred. (591 KB/s) (00:00:12)
[15:06:53] 226 Transfer complete.

Yes, I can see files in the raw listing when I login as root userid but not as anonymous userid.

I have also noticed that whenever SmartFTP connects to the AIX server and does a ls command, the ls command on the AIX server core dumps.

Any idea why root works but not the anonymous userid?


Hello ...

The issue is related to the configuration on your FTP server. Please provide your license key id for further support requests. Thank you.
