new computer connect problems

I have been using SmartFTP for a few years, but my laptop crashed and I bought a new computer.

I have read all the forums I can find about connectivity issues and have tried everything listed

I have configured the firewall with my Norton Internet Security/Norton System works

I have checked with my website administrator and I do have the right password

I was using this successfully with my laptop with Norton System Works by disabling the worm protection.

I have even tried with Norton Completely Disabled and it did not connect!

I also upped the timeout to 60 seconds in FTP

What at I missing?

here's my error message:

[21:02:43] SmartFTP v2.0.997.4
[21:02:43] Resolving host name ""
[21:02:43] Connecting to Port: 21
[21:02:43] Connected to
[21:02:44] 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [TLS] ----------
[21:02:44] 220-You are user number 3 of 50 allowed.
[21:02:44] 220-Local time is now 21:02. Server port: 21.
[21:02:44] 220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.
[21:02:44] USER snap-ezc
[21:02:44] 331 User snap-ezc OK. Password required
[21:02:44] PASS (hidden)
[21:02:44] 530 Authentication failed, sorry
[21:02:45] Active Help:
[21:02:45] Cannot login waiting to retry (30s)...

I really need this up as I have a home business that is completely internet based and I stock my store almost daily!



What makes you think it's a connection issue? Look at the log again, your username or password simply is wrong / misspelled.

I never thought to look in the settings on my website administrator to see if the FTP password was different from my website access password.

I changed this and now it is working

BUT I was slightly affended at your tone - you could be more helpful and leave the attitude behind - I am not a computer expert, just a work-at-home-mom trying to make ends meet with a home business. I have paid for my license and was expecting a more proffessional response to say the least

And by moving my thread, I was not notified of your response and this caused me to spend much unnecessary time uploading my site updates without SmartFTP

What makes you think it's a connection issue? Look at the log again, your username or password simply is wrong / misspelled.

Hello Ruth.

If you do not add your license id to your post or your profile your post will be moved to the public forum where random people are answering your questions. We apologize for your inconvenience.
