Transfer Queue does not show files that are being up/downloaded

In other FTP clients all the "marked to load" files appear in the transfer queue, and disappear as they are being successfully up or downloaded.

Not so in my copy of SmartFTP. Why is that? do I have to switch that on?

Greetings, franz.

You probably forgot to start the queue by pressing the "play" button on its toolbar.

So drag`n`drop files will not be queued in this app? :/

It depends on your settings, it's all customizable! See the "Default Drag & Drop Operation" in the settings under "Navigation" and set it to "Queue". Moreover, you may want to set the "Queue State" to "Start" instead of "Remember Last State". Just go through the settings!

Thanks for that so far. Now I got the files in the queue, but still have to start the queue.

The thing is that I got a licence for FlashFXP, and what I really like about it that I can just drag`n`drop files, they appear in the queue and the queue starts working immediately.

That saves me one click, and while developing flash and images (that have to be downloaded after incremental changes) it adds up to a lot of clicks.

SmartFTP has a nicer look, that won`t make me buy it..

So: Is there a way to instantly make the queue work without starting it by hand? I made my way through the settings, but did not find such a gadget..

Greetings, franz.