Disabling MDTM and file size check


how do I disable the file size checks? I am using a FTPd that I do not control so I can not change it, but since I start using SmartFTP I can't download any files due to file checks failing. I tried enabling and disabling almost all settings I could find, but neither thing worked.
My guess is that my client (WinXP SP2 with SmartFTP (2.0.997 and the dev (dunno if the build is newer))
While writing this post, I tried disabling the speed/thread limit (setting it to 0) and that actually seemed to fix my problem. So either I am doing something wrong or my computer is when it is limiting the speed else there is a bug in SmartFTP. I tried limiting it to 40 or 50 KBps/thread using 1 thread. Both failed the file size check. My performance buffer sizes are set to default.
If this is actually a bug feel free to move it to the bugs section.
My final test, where it seems to work with NO speed limit is the current dev version (2.0.997-4 or so)

Connecting to a FTP TLS site

[20:05:29] SmartFTP v2.0.997.4

[20:05:29] Resolving host name "my-site"

[20:05:29] Connecting to Port: 29900

[20:05:29] Connected to my-site.

[20:05:29] 220 -

[20:05:29] AUTH TLS

[20:05:29] 234 AUTH TLS successful.

[20:05:29] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...

[20:05:30] Session Cipher: 168 bit 3DES

[20:05:30] TLS encrypted session established.

[20:05:30] PBSZ 0

[20:05:30] 200 PBSZ 0 successful.

[20:05:30] USER USERNAME

[20:05:30] 331 Password required for USERNAME.

[20:05:30] PASS (hidden)

[20:05:30] 230 User USERNAME logged in.

[20:05:30] SYST

[20:05:30] 215 UNIX Type: L8

[20:05:30] Detected Server Type: UNIX

[20:05:30] TYPE I

[20:05:30] 200 Type set to I.

[20:05:30] REST 0

[20:05:30] 350 Restarting at 0. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.

[20:05:30] PWD

[20:05:30] 257 "/" is current directory.

[20:05:30] CWD /Upload

[20:05:30] 250 CWD command successful.

[20:05:30] PWD

[20:05:30] 257 "/Upload/" is current directory.

[20:05:30] SIZE testfile.exe

[20:05:30] 213 7547509

[20:05:30] MDTM testfile.exe

[20:05:30] 500 'MDTM': Command not understood

[20:05:30] TYPE A

[20:05:30] 200 Type set to A.

[20:05:30] PROT P

[20:05:30] 200 Protection set to: Private.

[20:05:30] PASV

[20:05:30] 227 Entering Passive Mode (1,2,3,4,62,58)

[20:05:30] Opening data connection to Port: 15930

[20:05:30] LIST -laRT

[20:05:30] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for directory listing.

[20:05:30] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...

[20:05:30] Session Cipher: 168 bit 3DES

[20:05:30] TLS encrypted session established.

[20:05:30] 2165 bytes transferred. (8,45 KB/s) (250 ms)

[20:05:30] Rule "IF Destination Size=Smaller AND Time=Recent AND Transfer=No Matter THEN Resume" matched. Action="Resume".

[20:05:30] TYPE I

[20:05:31] 200 Type set to I.

[20:05:31] PASV

[20:05:31] 227 Entering Passive Mode (1,2,3,4,60,0)

[20:05:31] Opening data connection to Port: 15360

[20:05:31] RETR testfile.exe

[20:05:31] Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...

[20:05:31] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for testfile.exe.

[20:05:31] Session Cipher: 168 bit 3DES

[20:05:31] TLS encrypted session established.

[20:07:11] 7518410 bytes transferred. (72,8 KB/s) (00:01:40)

[20:07:12] File size mismatch.

Best regards S