Automatic Overwrite

Is there a way to make it automatically overwrite files so I don't have to click the overwrite button in the window that pops up?

Also, Is there a way to make it upload/download files I double click instead of open them with my editor?

Yes, just go through the settings. See the "File Exist Rules" and the "Default Double Click Action" under "Navigation".

I am using version 2.5 1005 and I can't find the part you are looking for, In settings I can see "Navigation" but the only mention of "File Exists Rules" is where you can select a sound. In the drop down box for double click action there is no mention of "File Exists Rules"
I did have SmartFTP set for automatically overwriting files until I updated to this version. Its fine when you are directly transferring from the folder to the site because you can just tell it to overwrite. But in the queue it just keeps retrying, even when it has only partly uploaded a file in error it then can't finish it off

Thanks in advance for the help


I'm actually baffled myself. I've just installed 1005, and a whole bunch of options seem to have just vanished, and I can't find them anywhere else.

Here's a screenshot:


To put it bluntly: what gives?

Hi, go to Favorites->edit global Favorite.

Wow, that seems a bit mental. Why were all those settings moved to there? It looks like the majority of people are going to completely miss them and either assume the settings were removed (if they've used SmartFTP before) or not realise they're there. Mainly because most people will associate the "Favourites" part of the menu with the actual Favourites area: the place where you store your favourite FTP connections.