Some problem

I've experienced the same problem with a ftp server: wu-2.6.2

The format of the listing is probably different than the parser is expecting. I have also tried various settings in smartFTP to try and get the listing to come up. I don't use that server often so I just use command line ftp as a workaround.

I'de be interested to see what solution comes up for this as I may be able to benefit form it also.

Hello ..

Install latest version

Then provide the log of your FTP session and the raw directory listing.

Thank you.

[13:01:06] 220 "This system is for Authorized Users Only"

[13:01:06] USER jeffld

[13:01:06] 331 Password required for jeffld.

[13:01:06] PASS (hidden)

[13:01:06] 230 User jeffld logged in.  Access restrictions apply.

[13:01:06] SYST

[13:01:06] 215 UNIX Type: L8

[13:01:06] Detected Server Type: UNIX

[13:01:06] FEAT

[13:01:06] 500 'FEAT': command not understood.

[13:01:06] PWD

[13:01:06] 257 "/" is current directory.

Now I'm seeing some binary data in the listing, probably due to the FTP server being configured incorrectly, but I'll submit the information anyway as it may be useful to others.

total 70

drwxrwxrwx  29 root

Thank you.

On what kind of OS is this FTP server? Can you post the welcome line (first couple of lines in the log) as well?

Thank you.

I must have missed it when I copied and pasted.

[15:17:30] 220 "This system is for Authorized Users Only"

[15:17:30] USER jeffld

[15:17:30] 331 Password required for jeffld.

[15:17:30] PASS (hidden)

[15:17:30] 230 User jeffld logged in.  Access restrictions apply.

[15:17:30] SYST

[15:17:30] 215 UNIX Type: L8

[15:17:30] Detected Server Type: UNIX

[15:17:30] FEAT

[15:17:30] 500 'FEAT': command not understood.

[15:17:30] TYPE I

[15:17:30] 200 Type set to I.

[15:17:30] REST 0

[15:17:30] 350 Restarting at 0. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.

[15:17:30] PWD

[15:17:30] 257 "/" is current directory.

[15:17:30] TYPE A

[15:17:30] 200 Type set to A.

[15:17:30] PASV

[15:17:30] 227 Entering Passive Mode (x,x,x,21,169,146)

[15:17:30] Opening data connection to x.x.x.21 Port: 43410

[15:17:30] LIST -aL

[15:17:30] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for directory listing.

[15:17:30] 1848 bytes transferred. (45.1 KB/s) (40 ms)

[15:17:31] 226 Transfer complete.

I logged in using command line ftp to issue a quote stat command.

ftp> quote stat

211-xxxxxx FTP server status:

	 Version wu-2.6.2(2) Thu Mar 17 16:02:41 CST 2005

	 Connected to x.x.x.x

	 Logged in as jeffld

	 TYPE: ASCII, FORM: Nonprint; STRUcture: File; transfer MODE: Stream

	 No data connection

	 0 data bytes received in 0 files

	 0 data bytes transmitted in 0 files

	 0 data bytes total in 0 files

	 34 traffic bytes received in 0 transfers

	 523 traffic bytes transmitted in 0 transfers

	 606 traffic bytes total in 0 transfers

211 End of status


You didn't miss it, the server just has a meaningless welcome line.
[15:17:30] 220 "This system is for Authorized Users Only"

I don't think we will support the crippled directory listing the server returns. For me it looks like a problem with the server.
