Question about Transfer Queue.

Hi , I have been using Smatftp for long time now .. but I have a question. When I transfer files with the transfer queue and I set the Threads to for example 4 I see that for every file it transfers ( this case is transfering 4 files at the same time) , it will login to the server and disconnect and then for the next file it will transfer , it will login again to the server and then disconnect again..
My question is .. wont it make it slow that way? connecting and disconnecting with everyfile it transfers? I mean wont it be fast if it will keep the connection open ? or it is normal like that .. and wont matter?


Well I have another computer with SmartFTP and it doesnt do that. I will transfer files pretty fast.. it wont connect and disconnect on each file it is uploading ... it keeps the connection open.
So I have been trying to find that option .. but I cannot . Can someone tell me where is this option . Cause my uploads are veeeery slow. compare to the other computer that has smartftp .


Tools->Settings on the Queue section "Reuse Existing Connection" should be checked.

yes REUSE EXISTING CONNECTION. is marked... But still.. it connects and disconect on every file it tranfers .. which make the file uploading pretty slow .. look

[12:41:21] Resolving host name ""
[12:41:21] Connecting to Port: 21
[12:41:21] Connected to
[12:41:24] 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [TLS] ----------
[12:41:24] 220-You are user number 9 of 50 allowed.
[12:41:24] 220-Local time is now 05:41. Server port: 21.
[12:41:24] 220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.
[12:41:24] USER xxxx
[12:41:25] 331 User xxxxx OK. Password required
[12:41:25] PASS (hidden)
[12:41:25] 230-User xxx has group access to: xxx
[12:41:25] 230 OK. Current restricted directory is /
[12:41:25] SYST
[12:41:26] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[12:41:26] FEAT
[12:41:26] 211-Extensions supported:
[12:41:26] EPRT
[12:41:26] IDLE
[12:41:26] MDTM
[12:41:26] SIZE
[12:41:26] REST STREAM
[12:41:26] MLST type*;size*;sizd*;modify*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.uid*;UNIX.gid*;unique*;
[12:41:26] MLSD
[12:41:26] ESTP
[12:41:26] PASV
[12:41:26] EPSV
[12:41:26] SPSV
[12:41:26] ESTA
[12:41:26] AUTH TLS
[12:41:26] PBSZ
[12:41:26] PROT
[12:41:26] 211 End.
[12:41:26] Detected Server Software: PureFTPd
[12:41:26] PWD
[12:41:26] 257 "/" is your current location
[12:41:26] CWD /public_html/xxx/xxx/xxx
[12:41:27] 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/xxx/xxx/xxx
[12:41:27] PWD
[12:41:27] 257 "/public_html/xxx/xxx/xxx" is your current location
[12:41:27] Remote file exist check: "bk.gif".
[12:41:27] TYPE I
[12:41:28] 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary
[12:41:28] SIZE bk.gif
[12:41:29] 550 Can't check for file existence
[12:41:29] PASV
[12:41:30] 227 Entering Passive Mode (xx.xx.xx.xx,160,78)
[12:41:30] Opening data connection to xx.xx.xx.xx. Port: 41038
[12:41:30] STOR bk.gif
[12:41:32] 150 Accepted data connection
[12:41:32] 4133 bytes transferred. (3,53 KB/s) (00:00:01)
[12:41:34] 226-File successfully transferred
[12:41:34] 226 1.545 seconds (measured here), 2.61 Kbytes per second
[12:41:34] MDTM 20060425150106 bk.gif
[12:41:34] 550 Can't check for file existence
[12:41:34] SIZE bk.gif
[12:41:34] 213 4133

I does that for every file it transfers on the transfer queue .. and REUSE EXISTING CONNECTION is checked ... how can I fix this

You are sure that you use on both systems the same/latest version? I don't see the version string in your log?