
I subscribe to and i download off there servers through smartftp. Well i've come here because i have in need of a question to be answered please. My suscriber status with NA says i can download two at a time off there server, but the problem is i dont know how to download two at a time with smartftp. Is there a brief description or help center you have to teach me of this. Im a bit slow but i can manage

I would greatly appricate this, im getting tired of only downloading one anime at a time and waiting for about 30 minutes when i can get two down at the same amount of time. I would very much appricate this

Thank You


Could someone please address this issue! I'm having the same kind of trouble, I drag one file to the Transfer Queue and it starts to download, but when I drag a second one it won't start to download. What do I need to do? I'm donwloading off of

Thanks in advance,


Adjust the Threads for the queue and make sure your browser connection is closed.

Adjust the Threads for the queue and make sure your browser connection is closed.

Thanks! Adjusting the threads did it.