500 Unknown command.

I'm totally new with FTP and i'm trying to get it but i can't
I managed to instal SmartFTP and even succesed in conecting.. but there's 1 problem when I wana connect.. This is what it says:

[02:13:27] SmartFTP v2.0.996.12
[02:13:28] Resolving host name ""
[02:13:28] Connecting to Port: 21
[02:13:28] Connected to
[02:13:28] 220 Inactivity timer = 120 seconds. Use 'site idle <secs>' to change.
[02:13:28] USER Eigenaar
[02:13:28] 230 User 'Eigenaar' OK. No password required.
[02:13:28] SYST
[02:13:28] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[02:13:28] FEAT
[02:13:28] 500 Unknown command.
[02:13:28] TYPE I
[02:13:28] 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary
[02:13:28] REST 0
[02:13:28] 350 Restarting at 0. Send STOR or RETR to initiate transfer.
[02:13:28] PWD
[02:13:28] 257 "/"

What to do?? PLZ HELP ME!!!
(plz give an easy explaination )

Hi, you can ignore it, it's not a critical command, also you can change the settings to don't send "feat".

I think I can't ignore it because it doesn't show a folder...

(like this)

Try to disable feat at settings.

The "500 Unknown command" error is gone now.. but there still isn't a folder..
How can i solve this problem??

(man.. i'm bad at this)


Press F5 or Refresh and post the log again. The FEAT option has no influence.

this is what i get when i try to make a folder

[11:51:27] 550 You are not allowed to make directories.

That's server issue, you don't have permisions to make directories, you must speak with your hosting or fix your permisions.