Major Problem with Demo

I had been using the older SFTP and upgraded yesterday. Then I logged on to my blog to check for comments, and everything was fine. Needing to check some files, I opened SFTP and took a look, but when I tried to access my blog again - the site, admin page, and/or control panel - all I got was either "Problem Loading Page" (Firefox) or "Cannot Find Server" (IE). I tried other computers on the same network but got the same results.

This happened first at my office on the wireless network. When I came home and logged on here (another wireless network), everything was fine: I accessed my site, etc., with no problem. Then I opened SFTP 2.0 again to check files and - you guessed it! - I'm back to being shut out. Again, I tried other computers here at home but no access.

Somehow SFTP has changed both routers to disable access to my URLs. I don't know how to change the settings on the router back.

Needless to say, I'm not impressed with 2.0 - although I had found the earlier version quite good.

I need to fix this ASAP! Any/all help would be appreciated.

I'm in doubt this has anything to do with SmartFTP at all ... however, you any want to try disabling UPNP under "Connection" in the settings and resertting your routers.