Unable to login

I keep trying and SMARTFTP refuses to let me on, it just wont work. This is the same message I get everytime. can anyone help?

Connected to soapcentral.serveftp.net.
220 MY SITE NAME (glFTPd 2.00 Linux+TLS) ready.
USER soaps
530 User soaps access denied.
Active Help: https://www.smartftp.com/support/kb/51
221 Goodbye.

This is no SmartFTP error, it comes from the server. Your account got deleted / disabled on the server side. Or you misspelled the user name.

so, we are using the user name & password from our server? is that the same as the ISP? I have used every username & password I have and still get this same error. How do I get this resolved?

This is no SmartFTP error, it comes from the server. Your account got deleted / disabled on the server side. Or you misspelled the user name.

No, this username & password are usually not the ones from your ISP (which you need to log in into the Internet via DSL). Username & password are specific to the server you want to connect to. If you e.g. wanted to connect to ftp.example.com, you would need to contact the admin / domain owner of example.com to get access to the FTP server.

So, this means I need to contact the admin/domain owner of smart ftp? It sounds like it. How do I do this? or was that an example only? if so, would bittorrent be an example of who I would need to get in touch with? or, say I was trying to download from "phillesh.net" - would that be whom I was trying to contact??

(I apologize for my lack of knowledge on this)

No, this username & password are usually not the ones from your ISP (which you need to log in into the Internet via DSL). Username & password are specific to the server you want to connect to. If you e.g. wanted to connect to ftp.example.com, you would need to contact the admin / domain owner of example.com to get access to the FTP server.