Files Not Being Displayed in Directory After Login

I'd like to use SmartFTP instead of FTP Voyager.
I've downloaded and installed the latest version 32bit.
I'm able to log in to my account on a FTP server but after I get connected, no files are listed. I know files are in the directory because I can log in with my other FTP client and see the files.
The SmartFTP log reads:

[15:04:10] SmartFTP v2.0.995.18
[15:04:10] Resolving host name "xxx.113.8.18"
[15:04:10] Connecting to xxx.113.8.18 Port: 21
[15:04:10] Connected to xxx.113.8.18.
[15:04:10] 220 UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS TO THIS SYSTEM IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED All data and information held on or in, or generated by this system is proprietary and confidential. Any unauthorized use or unauthorized disclosure of such information is strictly prohibited.. Time = 16:04:10
[15:04:10] USER xxxxxxxx
[15:04:10] 331 Password required for xxxxxxxx.
[15:04:10] PASS (hidden)
[15:04:10] 230 Connect:Enterprise UNIX login ok, access restrictions apply.
[15:04:10] SYST
[15:04:11] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[15:04:11] FEAT
[15:04:11] 500 'FEAT': command not understood.
[15:04:11] TYPE I
[15:04:11] 200 Type set to I.
[15:04:11] REST 0
[15:04:11] 550 Operation is not supported under Connect:Enterprise FTP server.
[15:04:11] PWD
[15:04:11] 257 "/xxxxxxxx" is current directory.

Can anyone help?


Steve Andrews

Press F5.
If still no files are listed please post the complete log and include the raw directory listing of the directory. To get the raw listing, right click on the folder/root and select "Show Raw Listing" from the context menu.


Press F5.
If still no files are listed please post the complete log and include the raw directory listing of the directory. To get the raw listing, right click on the folder/root and select "Show Raw Listing" from the context menu.


I Pressed F5 and no files appeared.

Next, I did as you requested and a windows titled "sf8ED.tmp" opens but there is no text in the window.

Thanks for the quick reply.

If we can get this working I'll register 2 copies right away for our companies use. Your product looks great.

Thanks again,

Steve Andrews


Please post the complete log as requested.

You probably have to change some directory listing options in the Settings->Transfer "Directory Listing Options".


Please post the complete log as requested.

You probably have to change some directory listing options in the Settings->Transfer "Directory Listing Options".


[07:31:19] SmartFTP v2.0.995.18
[07:31:22] Resolving host name ""
[07:31:22] Connecting to Port: 21
[07:31:22] Connected to
[07:31:23] 220 UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS TO THIS SYSTEM IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED All data and information held on or in, or generated by this system is proprietary and confidential. Any unauthorized use or unauthorized disclosure of such information is strictly prohibited.. Time = 08:31:23
[07:31:23] USER fn7DZo01
[07:31:23] 331 Password required for fn7DZo01.
[07:31:23] PASS (hidden)
[07:31:23] 230 Connect:Enterprise UNIX login ok, access restrictions apply.
[07:31:23] SYST
[07:31:23] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[07:31:23] FEAT
[07:31:23] 500 'FEAT': command not understood.
[07:31:23] TYPE I
[07:31:23] 200 Type set to I.
[07:31:23] REST 0
[07:31:23] 550 Operation is not supported under Connect:Enterprise FTP server.
[07:31:23] PWD
[07:31:23] 257 "/fn7DZo01" is current directory.
[07:31:23] TYPE A
[07:31:23] 200 Type set to A.
[07:31:23] PASV
[07:31:23] 227 Entering Passive Mode (xxx,113,8,18,86,251)
[07:31:23] Opening data connection to xxx.113.8.18 Port: 22267
[07:31:23] LIST -aL
[07:31:23] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for -aL.
[07:31:23] 0 bytes transferred. (0 bytes/s) (47 ms)
[07:31:23] 226 Transfer complete - no batches.

This is the log. Thanks

The problem are the -aL arguments. Go to the Settings -> Transfer "Directory Listing Options" and uncheck all checked options. Right now the "Show All Files" and the "Resolve Symbolic Link" options have been enabled/checked. Preferably change it in the Favorite Item settings.


The problem are the -aL arguments. Go to the Settings -> Transfer "Directory Listing Options" and uncheck all checked options. Right now the "Show All Files" and the "Resolve Symbolic Link" options have been enabled/checked. Preferably change it in the Favorite Item settings.


That was it! It's working great and I'll be registering 2 copies for our firm today. Thanks for the quick and accurate response to my postings!

Have a good day,
