Monitoring and auto upload changed files

When the transfer Que is not started yet I can right-click a filename in the que and choose 'Schedule' where I check 'Monitor local file'. This works fine with a small .htm file, each time the date/time stamps changes, the files gets uploaded automatically.
But when I do this with a 2MB .mdb file, it skips the uploads after a date/time change of the.mdb file.
Could it be that SmartFTP looks to quick to do the upload while the file is still being locked in the upgrade procedure and is locked somehow, so the upload can't be done? In the log file it says 'skipping: reason user action'.

[17:41:19] Connecting to Port: 21
[17:41:19] Connected to
[17:41:19] 220 Microsoft FTP Service
[17:41:19] USER l1c1s
[17:41:19] 331 Password required for l1c1s.
[17:41:19] PASS (hidden)
[17:41:19] 230-Welcome to server1
[17:41:19] 230 User l1c1s logged in.
[17:41:19] SYST
[17:41:20] 215 Windows_NT
[17:41:20] FEAT
[17:41:20] 211-FEAT
[17:41:20] 211 END
[17:41:20] TYPE I
[17:41:20] 200 Type set to I.
[17:41:20] REST 0
[17:41:20] 350 Restarting at 0.
[17:41:20] PWD
[17:41:21] 257 "/L1C1S" is current directory.
[17:41:21] CWD /L1C1S/Htdocs/fpdb
[17:41:21] 250 CWD command successful.
[17:41:21] PWD
[17:41:21] 257 "/L1C1S/Htdocs/fpdb" is current directory.
[17:41:21] Remote file exist check: "keys.mdb".
[17:41:21] SIZE keys.mdb
[17:41:21] 213 2269184
[17:41:21] Skipping file "keys.mdb". Reason: User action.

I found the answer here:
In this forum aticle

Date/time was changed allright but when the filesize is still the same you can choose here to 'overwrite'.