Exactly the same with me over here. Here the log:
[10:43:29] SmartFTP v2.0.993.28
[10:43:29] Resolving host name "home.tiscali.nl"
[10:43:29] Connecting to Port: 21
[10:43:30] Connected to home.tiscali.nl.
[10:43:30] 220 FTP proxy (Version V1.3.1) ready.
[10:43:30] USER adsl424415
[10:43:30] 331 Password required for
[10:43:30] PASS (hidden)
[10:43:30] 230
adsl424415@tiscali.nl logged in.
[10:43:30] SYST
[10:43:30] 215 UNIX
[10:43:30] FEAT
[10:43:30] 500 command not understood
[10:43:30] TYPE I
[10:43:30] 200 Type set to I
[10:43:30] REST 0
[10:43:30] 350 REST command succeded, transfers will begin at 0
[10:43:30] PWD
[10:43:30] 257 "/" is current directory
[10:43:30] TYPE A
[10:43:30] 200 Type set to A
[10:43:30] PASV
[10:43:30] 227 Entering Passive Mode (195,241,77,82,178,100)
[10:43:30] Opening data connection to Port: 45668
[10:43:30] LIST -aL
[10:43:30] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for LIST command.
[10:43:30] 226 ASCII transfer complete.
[10:43:30] 4267 bytes transferred. (12,2 kB/s) (341 ms)
[10:43:34] CWD /harsus
[10:43:34] 250 CWD command successful.
[10:43:34] PWD
[10:43:34] 257 "/harsus" is current directory
[10:43:34] PASV
[10:43:34] 227 Entering Passive Mode (195,241,77,82,178,139)
[10:43:34] Opening data connection to Port: 45707
[10:43:34] LIST -aL
[10:43:34] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for LIST command.
[10:43:34] 226 ASCII transfer complete.
[10:43:34] 7350 bytes transferred. (29,9 kB/s) (240 ms)
[10:44:12] Remote file exist check: "Flyer Harsus.doc".
[10:44:12] TYPE I
[10:44:13] 200 Type set to I
[10:44:13] SIZE Flyer Harsus.doc
[10:44:13] 213 0
[10:44:13] MDTM Flyer Harsus.doc
[10:44:13] 500 command not understood
[10:44:15] PASV
[10:44:15] 227 Entering Passive Mode (195,241,77,82,180,10)
[10:44:15] Opening data connection to Port: 46090
[10:44:15] STOR Flyer Harsus.doc
[10:44:16] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection to receive Flyer Harsus.doc.
[10:44:56] Transfer Timeout (40s). Closing data connection.
[10:44:56] 8192 bytes transferred. (200 bytes/s) (00:00:40)
[10:45:36] Timeout (40s).
[10:45:36] Active Help:
[10:45:36] Client closed the connection.
[10:45:36] Transfer failed.
[10:45:36] Resolving host name "home.tiscali.nl"
[10:45:36] Connecting to Port: 21
[10:45:36] Connected to home.tiscali.nl.
[10:45:36] 220 FTP proxy (Version V1.3.1) ready.
[10:45:36] USER adsl424415
[10:45:36] 331 Password required for
[10:45:36] PASS (hidden)
[10:45:36] 230
adsl424415@tiscali.nl logged in.
[10:45:36] SYST
[10:45:36] 215 UNIX
[10:45:36] FEAT
[10:45:36] 500 command not understood
[10:45:36] PWD
[10:45:36] 257 "/" is current directory
[10:45:36] CWD /harsus
[10:45:36] 250 CWD command successful.
[10:45:36] PWD
[10:45:36] 257 "/harsus" is current directory
[10:45:36] TYPE A
[10:45:37] 200 Type set to A
[10:45:37] PASV
[10:45:37] 227 Entering Passive Mode (195,241,77,82,182,37)
[10:45:37] Opening data connection to Port: 46629
[10:45:37] LIST -aL
[10:45:37] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for LIST command.
[10:45:37] 226 ASCII transfer complete.
[10:45:37] 7350 bytes transferred. (14,9 kB/s) (481 ms)
Downloading however is no problem at all..??
The file on the server IS empty (0kb)...