Using keyboard

It's possible to upload/download a file with double click in explorer window (local browser), or you can select this action in Settings.

Can I go to previous folder (CD UP / change directory UP) with "delete" key (same than Explorer windows)?

It's possible to upload/download a file with double click in explorer window (local browser), or you can select this action in Settings.
It's possible to download via double-click on a remote file, see General -> Navigation in the settings. This is not possible for upload from the Local Browser, as the Local Browser aims to act extactly as Windows Explorer. Thus, it will launch the default application when double-clicking.

Can I go to previous folder (CD UP / change directory UP) with "delete" key (same than Explorer windows)?
You mean "Backspace" (not "Delete", that's a differnet key). It seems it currently does not work, although I believe it used to. Let's see if mb can fix this in an upcoming build.

Thanks, but it should be more important that in a FTP program you download or upload a file with double click, or any key like Fxx.
With double click in a remote folder... you download the file in default download folder, but not in current local browser.

I hope mb fix this action and backspace...

You can transfer files in both direction with a single click if you chosse e.g. "Window" -> "Auto Layout" -> "Local Left - Remote Right". Then Local Browser and remote view will be displayed side by side. The pane between the views then contains buttons for easy file transfer.

There's absolutely no way to have a double click tranfer the file from local to remote window?

Hello ...

No because it doesn't make sense in a multi window/connection environment.
It's the same reason why double clicking a file in Windows Explorer doesn't do anything beside opening the file/folder.
