File size mismatch. Transfer failed

when uploading updated web files

this error comes up
and after many attempts it still wont overwrite the older file

after several attempts same error but file eventually gets updated

SIZE links.shtm
[12:35:14] 213 14842
[12:35:14] File size mismatch.
[12:35:14] Transfer failed.
[12:35:14] TYPE A
[12:35:14] 200 Type set to A.

why is this happening?
can be very annoying
sometime just use browser based ftping instead

Set your transfer type to binary (that is, "TYPE I"). To do so, in the settings go to "Transfer -> "ASCII / Binary" and set the Default Transfer Type to "Binary Transfer Type".

jewelzz: Please post the complete log, the system information and everything else which is required for support requests.

eyebex: the Transfer Type is already set to Binary (TYPE I), otherwise you wouldn't see the TYPE A after the transfer failed message ;-)

celeron 2.66
1 gig ram
xp pro SP2

through a netgear RT314 router

install uses default settings
i use drag and drop for the files im uploading
had same problem with 1.5 990 previous version never a problem

here is a the log less IP addys etc after 2 attempts

[09:01:09] SmartFTP v2.0.993.10
[09:01:10] Resolving host name "www.*****.com"
[09:01:11] Connecting to ***.***.***.** Port: 21
[09:01:11] Connected to www.***.com.
[09:01:11] 220 DORIS Microsoft FTP Service (Version 5.0).
[09:01:11] USER co***a
[09:01:11] 331 Password required for co***a.
[09:01:11] PASS (hidden)
[09:01:11] 230 User c***a logged in.
[09:01:11] SYST
[09:01:11] 215 Windows_NT version 5.0
[09:01:11] FEAT
[09:01:11] 500 'FEAT': command not understood
[09:01:11] TYPE I
[09:01:11] 200 Type set to I.
[09:01:11] REST 0
[09:01:11] 350 Restarting at 0.
[09:01:11] PWD
[09:01:11] 257 "/co***a" is current directory.
[09:01:11] CWD /co***a/www
[09:01:11] 250 CWD command successful.
[09:01:11] PWD
[09:01:11] 257 "/co***a/www" is current directory.
[09:01:11] TYPE A
[09:01:11] 200 Type set to A.
[09:01:11] PASV
[09:01:11] 227 Entering Passive Mode (***.***.***.**,6,226).
[09:01:11] Opening data connection to ***.***.***.** Port: 1762
[09:01:11] LIST -aL
[09:01:11] 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
[09:01:12] 3961 bytes transferred. (22.4 KB/s) (172 ms)
[09:01:12] 226 Transfer complete.
[09:02:02] NOOP
[09:02:03] 200 NOOP command successful.
[09:02:53] NOOP
[09:02:53] 200 NOOP command successful.
[09:03:23] Remote file exist check: "dyna.shtm".
[09:03:23] TYPE I
[09:03:23] 200 Type set to I.
[09:03:23] SIZE dyna.shtm
[09:03:23] 213 11364
[09:03:23] MDTM dyna.shtm
[09:03:23] 213 20060129154709
[09:03:26] PASV
[09:03:26] 227 Entering Passive Mode (***.***.***.**,6,243).
[09:03:26] Opening data connection to ***.***.***.** Port: 1779
[09:03:26] STOR dyna.shtm
[09:03:26] 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
[09:03:26] 11406 bytes transferred. (50.8 KB/s) (219 ms)
[09:03:26] 226 Transfer complete.
[09:03:26] SIZE dyna.shtm
[09:03:26] 213 11364
[09:03:26] File size mismatch.
[09:03:26] Transfer failed.
[09:03:26] TYPE A
[09:03:26] 200 Type set to A.
[09:03:26] PASV
[09:03:26] 227 Entering Passive Mode (***.***.***.**,6,244).
[09:03:26] Opening data connection to ***.***.***.** Port: 1780
[09:03:26] LIST -aL
[09:03:26] 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
[09:03:26] 3961 bytes transferred. (24.6 KB/s) (157 ms)
[09:03:26] 226 Transfer complete.

need anything else?

appreciate your help

um not sure but maybe i havent given enough information??

as no reply as yet?

I have a similar problem when downloading from our server.
(SmartFTP v1.5.991)
Problem seems to be the SIZE command on that server.

This is what our server does:
LS -al command lists the correct file size, say 89.451 Bytes
SIZE for the same file: 90.956 Bytes

I have no idea why this happens, but this is also true for command line ftp

So what happens is, I see in my local and remote windows both the same (exact) file size, however, when trying to download (and overwrite) that file, SmartFTP asks me if I want to replace my existing file (89.451 Bytes) with the remote file (90.956 Bytes). Yes downloads the file properly, but produces the file mismatch error.

This did not happen using earlier versions; I don't know how SmartFTP got the size before, when asking to overwrite - skip - abort.

Is it possible, somehow, to DISABLE the size check?
Wouldn't it be good if SmartFTP would compare the file sizes received by LS and SIZE - and if they are different, automatically disable the size check?

Well, I have no idea if this would really make sense or if this is possible at all. Just an idea...


even if the file size is smaller than the one already there it still comes up with this error

[11:31:59] 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
[11:31:59] 4016 bytes transferred. (5.12 KB/s) (765 ms)
[11:31:59] 226 Transfer complete.
[11:32:19] Remote file exist check: "".
[11:32:19] TYPE I
[11:32:19] 200 Type set to I.
[11:32:19] SIZE
[11:32:19] 213 5021
[11:32:19] MDTM
[11:32:20] 213 20060205180303
[11:32:21] PASV
[11:32:21] 227 Entering Passive Mode (***,***,**,**,13,26).
[11:32:21] Opening data connection to 2***,***,**.20 Port: 3354
[11:32:21] STOR
[11:32:21] 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
[11:32:21] 4379 bytes transferred. (45.4 KB/s) (94 ms)
[11:32:22] 226 Transfer complete.
[11:32:22] SIZE
[11:32:22] 213 5021
[11:32:22] File size mismatch.
[11:32:22] Transfer failed.
[11:32:22] TYPE A
[11:32:22] 200 Type set to A.
[11:32:22] PASV
[11:32:22] 227 Entering Passive Mode (***,***,**,20,13,27).
[11:32:22] Opening data connection to ***,***,**.20 Port: 3355
[11:32:22] LIST -aL
[11:32:22] 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
[11:32:22] 4016 bytes transferred. (20.8 KB/s) (188 ms)
[11:32:22] 226 Transfer complete.
[11:32:29] Remote file exist check: "tech.shtm".
[11:32:29] TYPE I
[11:32:29] 200 Type set to I.
[11:32:29] SIZE tech.shtm
[11:32:29] 213 28090
[11:32:29] MDTM tech.shtm
[11:32:29] 213 20060108133220
[11:32:31] PASV
[11:32:31] 227 Entering Passive Mode (***,***,**,20,13,28).
[11:32:31] Opening data connection to ***,***,**.20 Port: 3356
[11:32:31] STOR tech.shtm
[11:32:31] 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
[11:32:34] 28174 bytes transferred. (9.07 KB/s) (00:00:03)
[11:32:34] 226 Transfer complete.
[11:32:34] SIZE tech.shtm
[11:32:35] 213 28090
[11:32:35] File size mismatch.
[11:32:35] Transfer failed.
[11:32:35] TYPE A
[11:32:35] 200 Type set to A.
[11:32:35] PASV
[11:32:35] 227 Entering Passive Mode (***,***,**,20,13,29).
[11:32:35] Opening data connection to ***,***,**.20 Port: 3357
[11:32:35] LIST -aL
[11:32:35] 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
[11:32:35] 4016 bytes transferred. (10.0 KB/s) (391 ms)
[11:32:35] 226 Transfer complete.
[11:33:18] Remote file exist check: "tech.shtm".
[11:33:18] TYPE I
[11:33:18] 200 Type set to I.
[11:33:18] SIZE tech.shtm
[11:33:19] 213 28090
[11:33:19] MDTM tech.shtm
[11:33:19] 213 20060108133220
[11:33:20] PASV
[11:33:21] 227 Entering Passive Mode (***,***,**,20,13,33).
[11:33:21] Opening data connection to ***,***,**.20 Port: 3361
[11:33:21] STOR tech.shtm
[11:33:21] 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
[11:33:21] 28174 bytes transferred. (33.8 KB/s) (812 ms)
[11:33:22] 226 Transfer complete.
[11:33:22] SIZE tech.shtm
[11:33:22] 213 28090
[11:33:22] File size mismatch.
[11:33:22] Transfer failed.
[11:33:22] TYPE A
[11:33:22] 200 Type set to A.
[11:33:22] PASV
[11:33:23] 227 Entering Passive Mode (***,***,**,20,13,34).
[11:33:23] Opening data connection to ***,***,**.20 Port: 3362
[11:33:23] LIST -aL
[11:33:23] 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
[11:33:23] 4016 bytes transferred. (19.3 KB/s) (203 ms)
[11:33:23] 226 Transfer complete.
[11:33:30] Remote file exist check: "".
[11:33:30] TYPE I
[11:33:31] 200 Type set to I.
[11:33:31] SIZE
[11:33:31] 213 5021
[11:33:31] MDTM
[11:33:31] 213 20060205180303
[11:33:32] PASV
[11:33:32] 227 Entering Passive Mode (***,***,**,20,13,47).
[11:33:32] Opening data connection to ***,***,**.20 Port: 3375
[11:33:32] STOR
[11:33:32] 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
[11:33:33] 4379 bytes transferred. (90.9 KB/s) (47 ms)
[11:33:33] 226 Transfer complete.
[11:33:33] SIZE
[11:33:33] 213 5021
[11:33:33] File size mismatch.
[11:33:33] Transfer failed.
[11:33:33] TYPE A
[11:33:33] 200 Type set to A.
[11:33:33] PASV
[11:33:33] 227 Entering Passive Mode (***,***,**,20,13,48).
[11:33:33] Opening data connection to ***,***,**.20 Port: 3376
[11:33:33] LIST -aL
[11:33:33] 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
[11:33:33] 4016 bytes transferred. (19.2 KB/s) (204 ms)
[11:33:33] 226 Transfer complete.
[11:33:46] QUIT
[11:33:46] 221
[11:33:46] Server closed connection

refreshing directory has no change

jewelzz: It seems to be the same problem as the other user. The server is buggy and returns the wrong size in the SIZE reply.

but the file size's are different
... as im uploading updated files all the time

it dosent happen when i use browser ftp'ing

just asks 'overwrite' and i say yes and no problem.

this never happened in earlier versions like 10.9***
the same server same types of files too

Looking at the following part of the log:

[11:33:33] 4379 bytes transferred. (90.9 KB/s) (47 ms)
[11:33:33] 226 Transfer complete.
[11:33:33] SIZE
[11:33:33] 213 5021

You can see that SmartFTP transferred 4379 bytes to the server. Then it sends a SIZE command to ask how many bytes the server received. It tells SmartFTP the file size is now 5021. This is impossible as only 4379 bytes were transferred. Therefore the SIZE reply the server returns is wrong. A common problem is that some buggy FTP servers get the file size from the cache (e.g. old file).


ok thanx for explaining that
so should i just ignore it?

as the files will be transferred even when it says failed?