Can't Transfer

I installed v 1.5 and viewed the tutorial and made notes. I was unable to transfer files by any means. I could not get the window that ,in the tutorial, is entitled OPEN with the Browse to folder option.

I tried the Local Browser route FTP | Local Browser | Folder with the down arrow is not on task bar. Tile H, V or C did not work.

I tried the Drag & Drop a file from my Desktop route. The file showed in the window, but the destination and Status panels were blank. I could find no way to transfer the file.

I viewed the tutorial again and discovered that it is for v 1.0 (not much help).

I downloaded V 2.0 beta and tried to connect. My address (in any form was not accepted). The error message is Bad URL.

I cannot use this program in either version for the above reasons. I would appreciate any comments or suggestions to get me started.


Make sure your URL has the proper format, i.e. do not use any ftp:// (or even worse, http://) prefixes. Just write e.g. "", or even just "" for a start.

Thanks for your answer and suggestion.

My ISP has a Personal Webspace available to clients. I access this via

In version 1.5 I used, my ISP login, and password, and was connected. I then was unable to transfer the files as I stated.

In version 2 I used a variety of combinations of the address, but got the Incomplete URL or Host error.

Since I can Connect, I would be happy to use v 1.5 if I could find out how to transfer the files from my computer to the host.


Since I can connect using v1.5, but cannot transfer files, I would appreciate step-by-step instructions for file transfer. I have tried many, many approaches but am unable to get the program to work. The tutorial is not applicable, because the task bar icons are different.


Well ... for starters, right-click a file on the server to download, choose "Download" -> "Global Queue" -> "Local Destination" -> "Select Folder ...". Or press Ctrl-L to get a Local Browser window within SmartFTP and use drag & drop to transfer files. Or, or, or ... there are several methods.

To upload just drag & drop from the Local Browser to the remote view ...