How to Mimic Windows Explorer Settings

How do I mimic whatever settings Windows Explorer uses when FTP'ing to my server?

Explorer connects very fast and works fine. SmartFTP won't connect

SmartFTP v1.1.984.15
Resolving host name nn.n.nn.nnn...
Connecting to (nn.n.nn.nnn) -> IP: nn.n.nn.nnn PORT: 21
Connected to (nn.n.nn.nnn) -> Time = 579ms
Socket connected waiting for login sequence.
220 Titan FTP Server 5.05.323 Ready.
USER username
331 User name okay, need password.
PASS (hidden)
230-Welcome username from nn.n.nn.nnn. You are now logged in to the server.
230 User logged in, proceed.
215 UNIX Type: L8
211-Extensions Supported
MLST type*;size*;modify*;create*;perm*;
211 End
Detected Server Software: GlobalSCAPE Secure FTP Server
257 "/" is current directory.
227 Entering Passive Mode (nn,n,nn,nnn,4,27).
Opening data connection IP: nn.n.nn.nnn PORT: 1051.
A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
PORT 10,0,0,100,4,108
200 PORT command successful.
Opening data connection IP: PORT: 1132.
150 File status okay; about to open data connection.
Connection closed. Server timeout.

Windows Explorer connects fine so I guess it is a configuration setting with SmartFTP, but don't know what.

Try using active mode and / or update to a more recent SmartFTP version (see my footer).

Try using active mode and / or update to a more recent SmartFTP version (see my footer).

Thanks for your response. I had started with V2 as I was planning to renew my license, but wanted to make sure it worked first!

Here is the log from V2 with active mode.

[08:04:49] SmartFTP v2.0.992.40
[08:04:49] Resolving host name "nn.n.nn.nnn"
[08:04:49] Connecting to nn.n.nn.nnn Port: 21
[08:04:49] Connected to nn.n.nn.nnn.
[08:04:49] 220 Titan FTP Server 5.05.323 Ready.
[08:04:49] USER username
[08:04:49] 331 User name okay, need password.
[08:04:49] PASS (hidden)
[08:04:49] 230-Welcome username from nn.n.nn.nnn. You are now logged in to the server.
[08:04:49] 230 User logged in, proceed.
[08:04:49] SYST
[08:04:49] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[08:04:49] FEAT
[08:04:49] 211-Extensions Supported
[08:04:49] COMB
[08:04:49] MLST type*;size*;modify*;create*;perm*;
[08:04:49] SIZE
[08:04:49] MDTM
[08:04:49] XCRC
[08:04:49] REST STREAM
[08:04:49] AUTH SSL
[08:04:49] AUTH TLS
[08:04:49] CCC
[08:04:49] PBSZ
[08:04:49] PROT
[08:04:49] EPRT
[08:04:49] EPSV
[08:04:49] DQTA
[08:04:49] 211 End
[08:04:49] Detected Server Software: GlobalSCAPE Secure FTP Server
[08:04:49] PWD
[08:04:49] 257 "/" is current directory.
[08:04:49] TYPE A
[08:04:49] 200 Type set to A.
[08:04:49] PORT 10,0,0,100,11,170
[08:04:49] 200 PORT command successful.
[08:04:49] MLSD
[08:04:49] 150 File status okay; about to open data connection.
[08:05:10] 425 Unable to open data connection.

Okay, sorry, I should have taken a closer look to the log at the first time. Neither active (PORT) nor passive (PASV) mode seems to work for your out of the box (active mode fails because the PORT command reports a private IP). That means both you and the server you want to connect to are behind routers / firewalls. What is your "PORT IP Mode" under Tools -> Settings, Connection set to (it should be "Auto")?

Yeah Auto. I have tried lots of different selections though

Is there a way to get it to behave 'dumbed down' like windows explorer?

I have set the server (Titan FTP Server) to allow PASV and tried that at both ends, but no luck

Is there a way to 'reset' to out of the box settings? Just thinking it may help if you suggest something else!

Normally I would have gone and got another FTP program by now but been using SmartFTP for a few years now and want to stay with it, so help!

Hello ...

1. Post the log from SmartFTP Client 2.0 (PASVE and PORT mode) without the IP address totally censored. Replacing the last digit from the server ip should be fine.

2. Post a log from any other FTP client where your data transfers work.


I downloaded and re-installed the latest version

SmartFTP v2.0.993.4

PASV did not work, but then changed it to Active Mode (PORT) with PORT IPMode =Auto and it worked

I notice that this had changed, and now has the correct software shown :

Detected Server Software: Titan/VisNetic FTP Server

Whereas before it was Detected Server Software: GlobalSCAPE Secure FTP Server

Could that have been the reason, or I have just got lucky and hit a combination of settings I had not tried before!

Regardless, it is working, thanks