Resolving host name, yet it won't actually do that

Every time I try and log on to one of my sites, it says "Resolving host name..." but then just sits on that screen and doesn't do anything. It won't even time out from trying, just stays frozen on that screen until I manually close the program.

I checked all of my Norton Firewall settings and set them to "Permit All" but it didn't seem to do anything.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to what might be wrong or how to fix the problem? I would truly appreciate it!

Have you tried to shut down your firewall completely, i.e. kill the task? Do other FTP programs work?

Have you tried to shut down your firewall completely, i.e. kill the task? Do other FTP programs work?

Thanks for the advice, I haven't tried that. I downloaded another FTP program, and that didn't work either, which is what made me think it is a Firewall problem. I will try shutting it down. Anymore ideas in case that doesn't work?