How to disable SIZE command?

I'm trying to D/L all files from a UNIX/ Solaris box. I'm on XP using SmartFTP v2.0.992.25.

When I used a global queue, I get the error 500 'SIZE DCL.jpg': command not understood. Then the queue changes to "waiting to retry". I get the same error in direct download.

How do I disable the SIZE command?

LOG listing below:
[09:06:28] SmartFTP v2.0.992.25
[09:06:28] Resolving host name "****"
[09:06:28] Connecting to **** Port: 21
[09:06:28] Connected to **** .
[09:06:28] 220 NetConnect FTP server (SunOS 5.7) ready.
[09:06:28] USER ****
[09:06:28] 331 Password required for root.
[09:06:28] PASS (hidden)
[09:06:28] 230 User root logged in.
[09:06:28] SYST
[09:06:28] 215 UNIX Type: L8 Version: SUNOS
[09:06:28] TYPE I
[09:06:28] 200 Type set to I.
[09:06:28] REST 0
[09:06:28] 502 REST command not implemented.
[09:06:28] PWD
[09:06:28] 257 "/" is current directory.
[09:06:28] TYPE A
[09:06:28] 200 Type set to A.
[09:06:28] PASV
[09:06:28] 227 Entering Passive Mode (10,126,1,9,235,176)
[09:06:28] Opening data connection to Port: 60336
[09:06:28] LIST -aL
[09:06:28] 150 ASCII data connection for /bin/ls (,2340) (0 bytes).
[09:06:28] 1976 bytes transferred. (62.2 KB/s) (31 ms)
[09:06:28] 226 ASCII Transfer complete.
[09:06:30] CWD /export
[09:06:30] 250 CWD command successful.
[09:06:30] PWD
[09:06:30] 257 "/export" is current directory.
[09:06:30] PASV
[09:06:30] 227 Entering Passive Mode (10,126,1,9,235,178)
[09:06:31] Opening data connection to Port: 60338
[09:06:31] LIST -aL
[09:06:31] 150 ASCII data connection for /bin/ls (,2341) (0 bytes).
[09:06:31] 833 bytes transferred. (50.8 KB/s) (16 ms)
[09:06:31] 226 ASCII Transfer complete.
[09:06:39] CWD /export/htdocs
[09:06:39] 250 CWD command successful.
[09:06:39] PWD
[09:06:39] 257 "/export/htdocs" is current directory.
[09:06:39] PASV
[09:06:39] 227 Entering Passive Mode (10,126,1,9,235,179)
[09:06:39] Opening data connection to Port: 60339
[09:06:39] LIST -aL
[09:06:39] 150 ASCII data connection for /bin/ls (,2344) (0 bytes).
[09:06:39] 226 ASCII Transfer complete.
[09:06:43] 5952 bytes transferred. (1.35 KB/s) (00:00:04)
[09:06:43] PASV
[09:06:44] 227 Entering Passive Mode (10,126,1,9,235,180)
[09:06:44] Opening data connection to Port: 60340
[09:06:44] LIST -aL
[09:06:44] 150 ASCII data connection for /bin/ls (,2345) (0 bytes).
[09:06:44] 5952 bytes transferred. (126 KB/s) (46 ms)
[09:06:44] 226 ASCII Transfer complete.
[09:06:44] TYPE I
[09:06:44] 200 Type set to I.
[09:06:44] SIZE BOOKS01.ICO
[09:06:44] 500 'SIZE BOOKS01.ICO': command not understood.
[09:06:44] Skipping file "BOOKS01.ICO".
[09:06:44] SIZE Closing 1-21-2004-1.htm
[09:06:44] 500 'SIZE Closing 1-21-2004-1.htm': command not understood.
[09:06:44] Skipping file "Closing 1-21-2004-1.htm".
[09:06:44] SIZE DCL.jpg
[09:06:44] 500 'SIZE DCL.jpg': command not understood.
[09:06:44] Skipping file "DCL.jpg".

Hi, you can't disable size.

We will find a solution for this problem.


Hello ..

Please install the latest version from:

The Queue gets the file size from the directory listing if the SIZE command fails. For direct transfer no changes have been made because we encourage all users to use the Queue.


Please post the log of your FTP session and the "System Information" which can be found in the Help->About dialog. When expecting support it's usually a good idea to follow the forum Readme.


Please post the log of your FTP session and the "System Information" which can be found in the Help->About dialog. When expecting support it's usually a good idea to follow the forum Readme.



Well considering it seems the same problem may be causing problems for me. Below is a copy of my log. What confuses me as well is that I have turned off Passive PASV from both the commands menu as well as the tools-settings menu. Any ideas?

[15:42:34] CWD /F/HDDLoader/PxGame0
[15:42:34] 250 "/F/HDDLoader/PxGame0/" is current directory.
[15:42:34] PWD
[15:42:34] 257 "/F/HDDLoader/PxGame0/" is current directory
[15:42:34] TYPE A
[15:42:34] 200 Type set to ASCII.
[15:42:34] PORT 192,168,1,101,18,242
[15:42:34] 200 Port command ok.
[15:42:34] LIST -aL
[15:42:34] 303 bytes transferred. (19.7 KB/s) (15 ms)
[15:42:34] 150 Opening ASCII data connection for ls /F/HDDLoader/PxGame0/.
[15:42:34] 226 free disk space under this directory : 455.360.512
[15:42:34] CWD /F/HDDLoader/PxGame0
[15:42:34] 250 "/F/HDDLoader/PxGame0/" is current directory.
[15:42:34] PWD
[15:42:34] 257 "/F/HDDLoader/PxGame0/" is current directory
[15:42:34] CWD /F/HDDLoader/PxGame0
[15:42:34] 250 "/F/HDDLoader/PxGame0/" is current directory.
[15:42:34] PWD
[15:42:34] 257 "/F/HDDLoader/PxGame0/" is current directory
[15:42:34] PORT 192,168,1,101,18,243
[15:42:34] 200 Port command ok.
[15:42:34] LIST -aL
[15:42:34] 303 bytes transferred. (N/A/s) (0 ms)
[15:42:34] 150 Opening ASCII data connection for ls /F/HDDLoader/PxGame0/.
[15:42:34] 226 free disk space under this directory : 455.360.512
[15:42:34] TYPE I
[15:42:34] 200 Type set to IMAGE.
[15:42:34] SIZE default.xbe
[15:42:34] 502 size is not implemented.
[15:42:34] PASV
[15:42:34] 502 pasv is not implemented.
[15:42:34] Transfer failed.