Computer shuts down with bluescreen when I copy from SmartFTP


I have a very big problem. I don't know if it has anything to do with SmartFTP, but I think it is.
I want to take a backup of my page and copy all of my files on my ftp to my computer. If upload a file one by one to my computer it is ok, but when I select many files and drag them over to my computer, after only a few seconds my computer shuts down. It also shows a bluescreen, but I can't read it.. Does anyone know what this can be? I really don't know what to do! Thank you very much for any help.


Please search the forum how to make meaningful support requests / bug reports.

i'd say most propably a hardware defect, like ram or something. some diagnostic programs may help you find out what it is.


eyebex: I thought I was pretty clear.

tropics: I can't understand why it should be a hardware defect, because it only happens in SmartFTP. But how can I check if it is defect? Thanks.
