Help! How do I get things from my FTP onto my website?

hi. i had no trouble figuring out how to use the ftp client, logging in, etc. I have the page and all of the files needed for it uploaded on to my the ftp server, but i do not know how to upload/use/connect them so they will work with my website. how do i use my ftp server to manage my website?? thanks so much!

Hi..What I would do is this..Can you publish your site to a folder on your hard drive? That is how I do it. MS Publisher probably has the ability to publish it for you but I publish to a folder first. Then just to test it out using SmartFTP login to you website using FTP and create a folder called "test" in the main area, usually in Web or Public_html. Then upload just the index.html file or any other file to that folder just to see if it can upload. If it is there then you know that the transfer was sucessful. Then in your browser type Replacing "keithmj" with your sites information. If the one file was transfered then the rest will. Make sure you use passive mode or auto. You will see the files being uploaded to your site but just make sure that you put them in the correct place because if they are outside the web or public_html folder they won't showup in your browser..I hope this is what you are looking for...let us know...Cheers..Keithmj

What is your website address?

hi. i need to know if you reccomend any programs like webplus 9 because i am unable to buy it right now, so i prefer all downloadable programs.

i, too, was having the same problem the first person was having, i thought you could ftp all of it to your site, so you helped alot in pointing me in the right direction, thanks! i hope getting and downloading a program like webplus 9 will help me in putting up my site. -kayla.