Can't connect no matter what :-(

I hope someone can help me....
I have a Microsoft MN 700 wireless router with a small 3 machine network behind it. One of the machines I have had setup as a web/mail server for the past year or so and it functions fine. I have had Guild FTP running on it for quite a while and this issue has not bothered me until now.
I can access the FTP server fine from Smart FTP and Dreamweaver, but only from inside the LAN. I have no access from work or when I use a dial up account from my home (to get exterior access to my LAN), I only see that it sort of 'connects' but I don't get any FTP folder structure showing in the FTP client.
I have port 21,& the range of 10000 to 10100 forwarded in the router - all TCP. The DHCP is disabled and I have assigned static IP's to all the machines on the network. I can send mail through my server and view its pages fine. I have windows firewall turned off.
It doesn't matter what I do in Guild FTP's settings, I can't seem to get a connection. Right now I have my WAN IP in the Passive mode box with DNS off, and I can't connect. I can watch Guild make the connection but it always drops it.

I think I have a problem with my FTP server config, but I'm not too adept at understanding the logs. When I turn off 'allow bounce attacks and FXP' in the server config, I can connect but it shows no folder structure and I can't up/download anything. Here is the Smart FTP log:

SmartFTP v1.5.988.37
Resolving host name ""
Connecting to Port: 21
Connected to
220 Please enter your name:
USER icandesign
331 User name okay, Need password.
PASS (hidden)
230 User logged in.
215 UNIX Type: L8 Server
200 Type set to I.
350 Restarting at byte offset 0. Send RETR to initiate transfer.
257 "/" is current directory.
227 70,49,1,172,4,2)

It stops here and does nothing!

Thx in advance!

Try enabling/disabling passive mode, the button is located right below the favorites menu, some FTP's require it to be either off or on. Also, are you sure that there are items on the FTP? if there is no data on the FTP then nothing can be displayed.