Here's the situation. I've been using an old version for quite some time, but recently I've been forced to format the computer because of a really nasty trojan attack. I made a backup of my settings (.cab, with the old backup program) before erasing all the data, and now, I find that I can't import my favourites.
I've tried to extract the .cab file with Winrar and copying the content to the SmartFTP folder, but that only imports certain data (like global queues) and I need my old favourites as I have all my work there. It is imperative to me to recover this data.
Please, help.
I've tried to extract the .cab file with Winrar and copying the content to the SmartFTP folder, but that only imports certain data (like global queues) and I need my old favourites as I have all my work there. It is imperative to me to recover this data.
Please, help.