Backing Up My Site. New To Ftp

Hi all. Sorry if this seems like an extremely novice question, but I feel like I should know this. And I don't! lol
I want to back-up my entire website. If I use the 'Download" function in Smart FTP, will it remove the files from my site? Is this the best way to back it up?
Sorry, I've never needed to use a seperate FTP client, as my old server used to supply one. But my new one doesn't. SO I'm sure you'll be seeing allot more of me! lol

"Download" won't remove the files from your site, it will just copy them to your local disk. If you download a folder, all contained files and sub-folders will be downloaded, too. So in oder to backup your site you just need to download the top-level folder.

"Download" won't remove the files from your site, it will just copy them to your local disk. If you download a folder, all contained files and sub-folders will be downloaded, too. So in oder to backup your site you just need to download the top-level folder.

Great! Thakns allot!