Server to server failure

Hi, Ive been searching the forum for similar problems, and I see the common answer is to use the global queu, but its not working for me. For some reason when I try server to server transfers (Usimg Smart Ftp ofr Flash FXP), I get a server timeout transfer failed message. I have adjusted all of my settings, and still nothing. Other people in the office can do the transfer I am attempting with the same passwords Im using so I know its not a permissions issue. Any ideas?

Oh I forgot to mention that I can upload from my computer to any server, just having this problem with server to server.

Any ideas anybody? Sorry to be annoying, but I need for work, and noone here has any ideas.

Hi, are you using plain ftp or ftps? ftps are more fxp friendly with some routers.

Hi, Ive tried with Smart FTP and Flash FXP, failure message on both. Any ideas?

Any ideas?
Yes! I have an idea! Why not trying answering Aokromes for example? 8O


I did reply to Aokromes. I am a bit of newbie. Those (Smart FTP and Flash FXP) are the programs that I use. The strange thing is that other people can move the same content using these programs, for some reason it creates directories for me, but wont move the content.

I don't see how you replied to Aokromes. He asked you whether you were using FTP or FTPS (which is FTP over SSL, so an encrypted protocol), and not which client you were using. And "FXP" is just a general term for server to server transfers, it does not refer to FlashFXP.

Either way, I am still having the problem. No I am not using FTP over SSL, and I have tried FXP transfers and had the same problems.

Is there any solution then?

If an administrator disallows FXP transfers, and we want to move a file from one server to another server by dragging & dropping, isn't it possible to do with SmartFTP ?

Of course not. In order for FXP to work, *both* servers *and* the client need to support FXP (and have it enabled). That is no SmartFTP limitation, but just the way it works with any FTP client.