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  1. Miscellaneous
  2. Importing FlashFXP sites
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기사 2756

Importing FlashFXP sites

SmartFTP can import FlashFXP sites (Sites.dat) from FlashFXP.

Import FlashFXP sites in SmartFTP

  1. In SmartFTP, select the Tools tab
  2. In the Favorites group, click on Edit.
  3. The Favorites window appears.
  4. Select the Tools tab.
  5. Click on Import.
  6. In the Import window under Source, click on the drop down list and select FlashFXP.
  7. On the next row of the Source section, SmartFTP automatically finds the Sites.dat. If this is not the case, click on the icon and select the Sites.dat file.
  8. Under Destination click on the Select Folder icon and select the location where you want the imported favorites to be saved to.
  9. Click OK

import flashfxp

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