UI: Performance improvement. Reduced number of elements in ribbon.
Versione 10.0.3243
UI: More accessibility improvements (edit controls, address bar, text editor, tooltips)
UI: Added support for accessibility landmarks
Updated Scintilla to 5.5.3
Versione 10.0.3241
UI: Accessibility improvements in dialogs, terminal, list controls, menus
Updated Scintilla to 5.5.2
UI: Workaround for navigation pane feature enablement on Windows 11 23H2
Versione 10.0.3234
UI: Redesigned "Optimize for touch " switch
Setup: Reverted back to the old way of registering shell extensions to workaround issues with users having overly restrictive AppLocker rules.
UI: More render performance optimizations
Text Editor: Added styles for Go and Raku programming languages
UI: Added support for PowerToys FancyZones.
UI: Improved accessibility in ribbon
Versione 10.0.3226
Support for Windows 11 version 24H2
Updated Scintilla to 5.5.0
Connection: Added full version string to user agent for all HTTP connections (WebDAV, OneDrive, Box, Google Drive, GCS, S3)
Box: Do no longer attempt to resume chunked transfer if the source file size has changed.
UI: Improved render performance (reduced CPU and GPU usage).
SSH: Added support for ed448 keys
UI: Added "Copy fingerprints to clipboard" link to the server host key verification dialog
UI: A single Direct2D device is now shared among all components (text editors, terminals, main frame, etc). This reduces memory usage and improves performance.
UI: Multi monitor enhancement: Use per monitor rendering parameters (ClearType level, enhanced contrast, and gamma correction for glyph rasterization).
Versione 10.0.3206
Removed checks for SolidWorks and XtremeCopy shell extensions
UI: Improved performance during resize
Updated Scintilla to 5.4.2
Versione 10.0.3200
UI: Added backdrop (the visual behind the window) for menus and combo box's popup lists.
Updated Scintilla to 5.4.1
Added URL associations to registry
UI: Improved mouse wheel support for popup windows
Versione 10.0.3190
Updated Italian translation
UI: Improved high DPI experience in global settings and favorite properties dialogs
Refactored credential provider architecture. New consolidated settings page for all credential providers.
Added new KeePassFile credential provider.
Updated Scintilla to 5.3.8 and Lexilla to 5.2.8.
UI: Added transitions for UI elements: Tooltip (fade-in/fade-out), slide open for sub-menus and dropdowns.
SSH: Added support for strict kex extension
Versione 10.0.3180
1Password: Added support for service accounts.
UI: Added flyout animation to docking panes (auto hide)
Favorites: Added function to assign existing logins from credential providers (Bitwarden, 1Password, LastPass, KeePass) to a favorite.
1Password: Added workaround when the "CLI integration" is enabled in the 1Password app.
Improved Bitwarden integration
Added LastPass settings dialog. The LastPass credential provider can be used in an unattended session (e.g. background service) now.
UI: Improvements for docking panes (colorization of auto hide groups, added preview during drag&drop operation, added Auto Hide context menu to floating pane).
The update check uses Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) to download the setup now.
Versione 10.0.3170
UI: Improved support for pinned items in brower's namespace tree control
UI: Added missing overlay icons in brower's namespace tree control
UI: Corrected some drawing issues with groups in the ribbon
Added timeout for connections through proxies (SOCKS, HTTP)
Transfer Queue: Improved how item collections are being updated (differential update).
Updated German and Portuguese translations.
Transfer Queue: Automatically reloads service configuration when settings have been changed through the UI
Versione 10.0.3150
SSH: Removed non-standardized sntrup761
Transfer Queue: Renamed Post Process plugin to Run Program
Versione 10.0.3142
UI: Render optimizations to reduce CPU/GPU usage.
UI: Corrected some minor issues with dark mode
Updated Scintilla to 5.3.6
Versione 10.0.3132
Windows 11: Added function to register sparse package in Settings - General - Advanced dialog.
UI: The DirectX hardware renderer for GDI interop is used now if available (Improves performance and reduces main memory usage).
Shell: Replaced icon overlay handler for Drop Folder with a static icon
UI: Improved dark mode support for Win32 Common Controls
Transfer Queue: Added options to ignore certain items (skipped/folder) in Email notifier, Database and File Logger.
Added setting (Settings - Scheduler) to automatically refresh the Scheduler pane
Versione 10.0.3115
UI: Added in-place scroll support for normal popup menus.
Modernized VC runtime libraries which are linked against the OneCore apiset are used now
UI: Improved caching in Direct2D render path reduces memory usage
Setup: The embedded resource (SmartFTP.msi) can now be extracted from the bootstrapper using WinRAR, 7-Zip, etc. or by calling SmartFTP-Setup.exe /x outdir
Text Editor: Font, caret and highlight colors are loaded/saved from/to style files instead of using extra, separate settings.
UI: Added border to active tab / pane
The ftp:// url prefix is used now for FTP and FTPS (Explicit). ftps:// is used for FTPS (Implicit).
FTPS: Disabled TLS 1.3 because Schannel does not support session resumption which is required to open a secure data connection.
ShellTools: Modernized context menu
Settings: Added [ ] long path aware option in the Settings - Remote Edit - editor dialog. When enabled, a temporary folder containing the remote path will be created when remote editing a file.
Transfer Queue: Post Process Plugin: Added "On Task Complete" action
Updated Scintilla to 5.3.5
Transfer Queue: Added notification selection to Database and File Logger
Versione 10.0.3094
Setup: Replaced NSIS bootstrapper
UI: Many improvements for dynamic (per monitor) DPI changes
Settings: Text Editor - Styles: Added button to reset styles to default
Text Editor: Added lexer and styler for json5, MS-TSQL, GDScript
Text Editor: Added default styles for dark mode
Source Preview Handler: Added support for dark mode
Browser: The shell view settings (columns, sort order, etc) are saved per folder type now. To apply the current view settings to all folders with the same type, go to the View tab, then Options. In the Folder Options dialog, go to the View tab and click the "Apply to Folders" button.
Refactored history
Versione 10.0.3083
Updated Scintilla to 5.3.4
UI: Improvements for dark mode
UI: Replaced more bitmap icons with SVG icons
Remote Browser: Delete operations are now always executed by the Transfer Queue
Versione 10.0.3070
UI: Improved keyboard navigation
Updated Scintilla to 5.3.3
UI: Added dark mode for native dialogs and common controls (Windows 10 19H1 or newer)
HTTP Digest Access Authentication: Added support for SHA-256 and SHA-512-256 algorithms
Versione 10.0.3057
UI: Added support for new namespace tree control style in Windows 11 22H2
UI: Browser: Clicking the middle mouse button on a folder in the tree control opens the folder in a new tab
Text Editor: The view state (scrollbar, cursor position) is now restored when a document is being reloaded due to an external modification.
Terminal: Ctrl+Tab / Ctrl+Shift+Tab keys to switch to the next/previous tab are no longer sent to the terminal emulator
Versione 10.0.3009
S3: Added support for SigV4A authentication
UI: Improved high contrast theme
Box: Added support to resume broken uploads
Versione 10.0.3007
UI: Lots of minor improvements
Updated Scintilla to version 5.3.0
Box: Use chunked uploads for files greater than 512MB.
Versione 10.0.3001
UI: Applied fluent design language to menus
UI: Middle clicking a folder in the body of remote-/localbrowser will now open it in a new tab.
SFTP: Added support for limits@openssh.com
Versione 10.0.2991
UI: New Windows 11 style icon set consisting of vector images (svg)
Bitwarden: Uses API key client_id/client_secret for authentication now
1Password: Added support for CLI version 2
Versione 10.0.2970
Terminal: Replaced the user configurable regular expression to match URLs with a compiled regular expression.
Favorites: Added new Equals type for the the filters (priority, ASCII, compression) and for the Auto Rename rules.
FTPShellExtension: Reduced memory allocations for certain item operations. This in particular improves performance when listing / sorting huge folders (>10k items) in the Remote Browser.
Versione 10.0.2964
sntrup761: Added AVX2 code path
New Hungarian localization thanks to Kiss Dénes László
Transfer Queue: Streamlined file integrity check for uploads
Setup: The 64-bit setup is now compatible with the "Mandatory ASLR" system setting.
Transfer Queue: No longer acquires file hash lock when the protocol is guaranteed to return pre-cached file hash values.
Versione 10.0.2954
Adds preliminary support for Windows 11 version 22H2
AddToQueue.exe: Added --service and --quiet option
UI: Added "Background Transfer Queue" pane. It can be enabled in the View tab, under Panes using the Application drop-down button.
SSH: Added support for sntrup761x25519-sha512@openssh.com key exchange
Versione 10.0.2948
Transfer Queue: Improved error logging for pre and post process events
UI: Improved mouse wheel support for certain UI elements
UI: Replaced menu items with a checked state (Enabled) with dynamic menu items (Enable/Disable). This works around a regression in Windows 11's native menu implementation.
Transfer Queue: A warning is logged when the Post Process plugin is enabled but not configured.
Updated zlib to version 1.2.12
UI: Improvements (e.g. Esc key support) for the edit control in the browser Filter tool bar.
Versione 10.0.2943
UI: Added black color scheme
OneDrive: Added Microsoft Graph beta features
Versione 10.0.2941
Visual refresh using the Fluent Design principles
Transfer Queue: Added OAuth2 authentication (for Google, Microsoft, Yandex, Mail.ru) to Email Notification Plugin
Versione 10.0.2937
Added setting (Settings - Connection) to control how long a connection from the connection pool will be reused after inactivity.
Versione 10.0.2935
Windows 11: Added support for snap layouts
Versione 10.0.2929
SSH: Added support for PuTTY v3 key files
UI: Improved docking pane system. Floating panes are docked to the previous container. The previous floating pane size is restored.
Versione 10.0.2924
Separated service from main application. Important: The service must be recreated in the Settings - Scheduler dialog.
Versione 10.0.2920
Windows 11: menus use native border (rounded corners) and shadows
Versione 10.0.2917
Main frame uses native frame borders (rounded corners on Windows 11) and shadows
SSH: Added support for proprietary OpenSSH certificates
Versione 10.0.2915
UI: Added function to toggle Actions task panel in Scheduler pane
Added support for regular expressions in Transfer Auto Rename rules.
Versione 10.0.2912
UI: Added status bar to Multi Upload and Scheduler panes
Versione 10.0.2911
UI: Windows 11: Added "Compact" view option to ribbon
Improved path validation in Quick Connect and Favorite Properties dialogs
Addressed an issue where the application would crash if there were no items in the history and the user was pressing a key.
Versione 10.0.2910
UI: Added support for tablet mode in shell navigation pane. When tablet mode is enabled, the item height is automatically increased.
Remote Browser: Added support for thumbnail providers which don't follow the requirements of a thumbnail provider. E.g. SageThumb
Versione 10.0.2909
BulkRename: Added support for regular expressions in replace/remove text rule
S3: Fixed cross region object copy
Support for Windows 10 Version 21H2
UI: Favorite history control: Added support for backspace to remove the last typed character
Corrected case conversion (upper/lower) of non-ASCII characters
Versione 10.0.2908
Windows 11: Addressed an issue where the columns in the shell items view could no longer be resized
Text Editor: Added document modified indicator back
Text Editor: Fixed the issue where the cursor position and focus were not restored
Text Editor: Fixed the broken "stream comment" command
FTP Shell Extension: Made various minor performance optimizations
UI: Added "Copy path" to tab context menu
Local Browser: HTTP urls are now delegated to the default web browser
OneDrive: Added support for SharePoint Online (sites and document libraries)
OneDrive: Reauthentication is necessary for all existing favorites.
Versione 10.0.2907
SmartFTP is now available on winget. To install it, run this command: winget install smartftp
Versione 10.0.2904
Preliminary support for Windows 11 insider builds
UI: Added touch screen mode
Windows 10 1607 (Anniversary Update) or newer is required.
The Visual C++ Redistributable Package (vcredist) is no longer installed.
OneDrive: Added support for Azure US Government L5 (DoD)
Versione 9.0.2854
Terminal: Added "Enable VT100 line drawing even in UTF-8 mode" option
Versione 9.0.2852
UI: Added option to dock vertical tabs on the right side.
Updated Scintilla to version 5.0.3
Versione 9.0.2851
UI: Improved usability for touch screen devices
Versione 9.0.2850
Improved performance when the text editor control (Scintilla) is resized.
Versione 9.0.2847
Enabled Hardware-enforced Stack Protection (cetcompat) for all modules.
Versione 9.0.2845
UI: Added vertical tabs sidebar
Transfer Queue: Separation of client and server data model
Support for Windows 10 Version 21H1
Versione 9.0.2841
Local Browser: Added support for shell: namespace. E.g. shell:favorites
Transfer Queue: Added Open Source Folder and Open Destination Folder to context menu
FTP: Added support for HASH response as specified in draft-ietf-ftpext2-hash-03 / draft-bryan-ftpext-hash-02
Versione 9.0.2839
Updated Scintilla to version 5.0
Improved Custom Commands editor
Versione 9.0.2836
The recently used download folders can now be removed/renamed in the Settings - Quick Folders dialog.
Versione 9.0.2835
Added new "Show recently used download folders in UI" setting to the Settings - Quick Folders dialog.
The Windows “Show frequently used folders in Quick Access” setting is respected now.
Versione 9.0.2833
UI: Improved accessibility
UI: Added "Reopen closed tab" functionality. Also accessible with the global key shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+T)
Versione 9.0.2831
UI: Added tab/panes selector, use Ctrl+Tab
Versione 9.0.2828
Updated German translation
UI: Improved Statistics popup
Versione 9.0.2818
UI: Reduced total memory usage by over 10%
Versione 9.0.2810
UI: Improved startup time
Versione 9.0.2805
UI: Improved keyboard handling
Support for Windows 10 Version 20H2
Versione 9.0.2799
UI: Significantly reduced GDI handle usage.
Versione 9.0.2795
FTP: Removed support for UPnP, NetSharing manager which was only used for the deprecated active mode (PORT).
Versione 9.0.2794
TLS 1.3 is now supported on Windows 10 Insider builds, starting with Build 20170
Versione 9.0.2782
Terminal: New window-less frontend
OpenPGP Decrypt Plugin: Added new "Use strong cryptography" option.
Versione 9.0.2780
SSH: Added support for SSH authentication agent (OpenSSH for Windows, KeeAgent)
Versione 9.0.2773
Google Drive: Added "Shared with me" virtual folder
Versione 9.0.2768
SmartFTP uses Segment Heap on Windows 10 Version 2004 or newer.
Versione 9.0.2766
Internal: Completely removed MFC dependency
Versione 9.0.2759
UI: Added function to add commands from the application menu to the Quick Access toolbar
Setup: The setup for the 64-bit version comes with a 64-bit setup.
Versione 9.0.2751
SSH: Removed proprietary curve25519 and ed25519 implementation
Versione 9.0.2750
Support for Windows 10 Version 2004
Versione 9.0.2746
UI: Improved accessibility in text editor
Versione 9.0.2745
UI: More accessibility improvements
Versione 9.0.2742
Bitwarden CLI version 1.9 and newer is required now
UI: Replaced common controls list-view with new DUI based list-view implementation.
The text editor is now long path aware
Versione 9.0.2737
UI: Improved accessibility
SSH: Always use bcrypt (instead of openssl) for DH key exchange
Versione 9.0.2733
Happy new year. All legacy Home edition licenses have been upgraded to the Professional edition at no charge.
Versione 9.0.2731
UI: Improved multi monitor support
S3: Improved interoperability with 3rd party S3-compatible object store providers
Versione 9.0.2725
UI: New DUI based implementation of text editor frame.
Versione 9.0.2717
UI: Adds ability to customize (pin/unpin commands) simplified ribbon.
Versione 9.0.2708
New simplified ribbon (optional)
Versione 9.0.2707
Bitwarden: Adds support for two-factor authorization (2FA)
Support for Windows 10 Version 1909
Versione 9.0.2706
Bitwarden CLI version 1.8 and newer is required now
Versione 9.0.2705
Adds new "New - Folder (prompt for name)" context menu command in Remote Browser which prompts for the folder name before a folder is created.
S3: Adds support for additional storage classes
Versione 9.0.2703
Addressed problems with browser panes (e.g. navigation) in Windows 10 Version 1903 or higher.
Versione 9.0.2694
Backblaze B2: Adds support for application keys limited to a specific bucket
Versione 9.0.2673
Backblaze B2: Added support to move/rename and copy files.
Versione 9.0.2671
SSH: Restored support for insecure DSA keys.
Versione 9.0.2669
Adds support for Bitwarden password management service
Versione 9.0.2667
Internal: Ported GDI+ code to Direct2D. Removed GDI+ dependency.
Internal: Use SVG parser and renderer from Direct2D when available (Windows 10 Creators Update).
UI: Browser: Added drag&drop support to breadcrumb bar.
Favorites: WinSCP site importer understands UTF-8 now.
FTP: Improved file exist check with servers not supporting modern commands like MLST (e.g. Microsoft's IIS FTP).
SSH: Added support for host key rotation extension "hostkeys-00@openssh.com"
Security: Enabled additional process mitigations (DisableExtensionPoints, NoRemoteImages, NoLowMandatoryLabelImages) by default.
Versione 9.0.2637
Transfer Queue: Improved performance when using transfer filters, rename filters, priority list or an ASCII file list.
Transfer Queue: The file exist action (e.g. overwrite) is only evaluated once, the first time the item is processed. This avoids repeated and possible expensive hash integrity checks, in case the transfer fails for other reasons (e.g. transfer quota exceeded).
Versione 9.0.2635
SSH: Removed support for deprecated DSA client and host keys.
Versione 9.0.2628
UI: New implementation for MDI tab manager
Updated Scintilla to version 4.1.3
Versione 9.0.2625
Transfer Queue: In the General dialog, the source and destination paths are validated now
Updated vcredist to the latest version (14.16.27024)
Google Drive: Improved error handling. Rate limit errors are reported now.
Terminal: Optimization: Do not redraw non-visible windows
OneDrive: Implemented workaround for breaking change in OneDrive API
Versione 9.0.2611
Support for Windows 10 Version 1809
UI: New ribbon implementation for main window
PGPDecrypt: Added support for GnuPG 2.2.10
Versione 9.0.2609
1Password: Adds support for 1Password CLI (op) version 0.5.1 and newer.
Versione 9.0.2607
UI: Added navigation history to settings property sheets
zlib: improved deflate performance. This mainly affects compressed uploads with SSH.
SSH: Reduced memory allocations and copy operations
Versione 9.0.2596
Preliminary support for latest Windows 10 RS5 insider build
Versione 9.0.2580
Windows 10 (Version 1607 and newer): HTTP2 is enabled for all HTTP requests
Versione 9.0.2577
Favorites: cPanel importer uses UAPI now
Windows 10: use toast notifications
Versione 9.0.2574
UI: Spring cleanup: Removed light gray and dark gray color schemes.
OAuth: Authorization uses external browser instead of internal web control. This improves the security as the application never has access to the user credentials.
UI: Corrected minor UI issues.
UI: New ribbon implementation for favorites browser
Versione 9.0.2562
Support for Windows 10 Version 1803
Versione 9.0.2553
Transfer Queue: Added new "Transfers" view which shows all running transfers.
When the application is pinned to the taskbar, the shortcut is no longer broken after an upgrade.
Google Drive: Added Copy Url function for download and web view links.
OneDrive, Google Drive, Box: Minimized the number of requests.
Versione 9.0.2541
Maintenance release
Transfer Queue: Replaced XML serialization with binary serialization
Versione 9.0.2533
Optimization: Reduced number of requests for id based protocols (OneDrive, Box, Google Drive, B2)
Terminal: Removed MFC dependency
The command line tool AddToQueue.exe is included in the setup
Versione 9.0.2530
Adds native Box cloud storage client
Versione 9.0.2522
Transfers: Refactored list control
Versione 9.0.2513
Adds support for 1Password online service.
Versione 9.0.2511
Windows 10 (RS1): Adds support for per-monitor DPI awareness mode
Versione 9.0.2506
UI: Replaced all bitmap based glyphs with freely scalable font glyphs
Improvements for Windows Server Core
Versione 9.0.2498
UI: Improved full screen mode in terminal
Versione 9.0.2496
Support for Windows 10 (Version 1709) aka Fall Creators Update
Versione 9.0.2491
Terminal: Improved drawing of Unicode symbols
Favorites: Removed FTP Proxy page
Versione 9.0.2481
Favorites: New binary serialization format improves performance.
UI: New Welcome view
Versione 9.0.2467
Transfer Queue: Improved error reporting for PGP Encrypt, PGP Decrypt, Post Process plugins.
Versione 9.0.2463
WebDAV: Improved interoperability
Versione 9.0.2460
UI: New implementation for Find&Replace
Versione 9.0.2444
FTP, SFTP: UTF-8 is the default fallback character encoding now.
UI: Improved auto suggest in history combo box
Versione 9.0.2440
Google Drive: Added support for Team Drives
Versione 9.0.2430
Breaking change: OneDrive implementation uses new Microsoft Graph API. All OneDrive connections must be reauthorized
OneDrive for Business: Adds support for other Azure environments (Azure US Government, Azure Germany, Azure China)
Versione 9.0.2426
Breaking change: New service is required to run background tasks. Create the service in the Settings - Scheduler dialog.
Versione 9.0.2422
UI: Replaced login bar with new connection and favorite properties button
FTP: Improved interoperability with Box's FTP server (ftp.box.com)
Versione 9.0.2416
Quality improvements
Versione 9.0.2410
Support for Windows 10 (Version 1703) aka Creators Update
B2: Added Copy Url - HTTP context menu item to get the download url of files
Note: All versions before this version are incompatible with Windows 10 (Version 1703).
Versione 8.0.2301
Added support for Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage
Versione 8.0.2299
Transfer Queue: New Post Process plugin
Versione 8.0.2290
Favorites: Refactored manager and storage
Versione 8.0.2282
The single instance option is always enabled now
Remote Edit: Duplicate file change notifications within a time span of 250 ms are ignored now.
Pre-Windows 10: Added check for outdated Adobe Flash version
Transfer Queue: New OpenPGP encrypt and decrypt plugin
Versione 8.0.2276
Transfer Queue: New data model
Versione 8.0.2274
Amazon S3: dualstack (IPv4, IPv6) endpoints are used now
Versione 8.0.2271
OneDrive for Business: Added support for data integrity check
Versione 8.0.2268
Built with Visual Studio 2017 RC
UI: Improved accessibility
SSH: Removed insecure algorithms
Versione 8.0.2256
Transfer Queue: Added per favorite Email Notifier settings
Transfer Queue: Removed scripting feature (ole automation)
Transfer Queue: Added Move Source File plugin
Versione 8.0.2250
Maintenance release
Versione 8.0.2245
Updated Norwegian Bokmål localization (Lars Christian Schreiner)
Versione 8.0.2244
Maintenance release
Versione 8.0.2234
OneDrive: Added support for shared folders
Browsers: Changed how the navigation, preview, details panes are integrated into the browser.
Support for Windows 10 Anniversary Update (Version 1607)
Versione 8.0.2232
Reliability and performance improvements.
Versione 8.0.2230
S3: Added Multi part uploads. This is the default for files greater than 100 MB.
Versione 8.0.2229
S3: Added Asia Pacific (Mumbai) region
Compiled with Visual Studio 2015 Update 3.
Versione 8.0.2227
Transfer Queue: Multi part transfers no longer write .section files to the file system.
Versione 8.0.2225
S3: Retain date modified, dated created
Google Cloud Storage: Retain date modified, dated created
Favorites: New dedicated settings page for SSH compression settings
Favorites: Removed support for legacy transfer filters
UI: Improved OAuth authorization dialog
UI: Stricter host name check
UI: New implementation for Transfer Queue pane
UI: New popup menu implementation in browsers
Versione 8.0.2221
UI: Improved Right-to-Left (RTL) layout.
UI: New implementation for Scheduler, File Monitor list controls
S3: Added option to use AWS KWS-Managed Keys (SSE-KMS) for server side encryption
Refactored logging facility: Remote Browser : Replaced log pane with a more user friendly error view. Logging is no longer always on and must be enabled in the settings.
OneDrive: Migrated to new oauth flow. New authorizations for all OneDrive connections must be obtained.
Versione 8.0.2220
Google Drive: Migrated to api v3. Adds ability to synchronize and set last modified time. Improves performance.
UI: New implementation for Multi Upload and Source Items panes
Versione 8.0.2219
S3: Added support for Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration
S3: Add ability to change bucket policy
Versione 8.0.2216
Added support for Google Cloud Storage
Preliminary support for Windows 10 Anniversary Update (Version 1607)
Versione 7.0.2214
UI: New high contrast theme
Versione 7.0.2206
OneDrive: Added ability to create sharing link
Added support for 1Password password vault
Versione 7.0.2205
SSH: Added setting for zlib compression level to favorite properties
Versione 7.0.2202
SSH: Added support for ECDSA, Ed25519 PuTTY private key files
Versione 7.0.2199
SSH: Added support for ssh-ext-info (server-sig-algs, no-flow-control)
SSH: Added support for rsa-sha2-256 and rsa-sha2-512 (draft-ietf-curdle-rsa-sha2)
SSH: Removed hmac-md5
Remote Browser: New file conflict dialog implementation
UI: New Scheduler pane implementation
Versione 7.0.2194
Transfer Queue: Improved performance of priority list sorter. Hard limit increased to 100'000 items per folder.
Versione 7.0.2191
SSH: hmac-md5 is disabled by default
Versione 7.0.2190
LastPass: Added support for shared folders
UI: Windows 8 or higher: New chart control for Speed and Statistics window
Added support for OneDrive for Business
Versione 7.0.2186
New Find & Replace results control
Browser: New filter bar
Remote Browser: New storage properties page
Reliability and performance improvements
Versione 7.0.2170
Removed Windows 7 theme because it lacks high DPI support
S3: Added support for Standard (Infrequent Access) storage class
Support for Windows 10 November Update (Version 1511)
Fully themed controls (scroll bar, list and tree controls)
Versione 6.0.2167
New Windows 10 style, high resolution icon set
FTPS: RC4 is blocked now, regardless of the OS settings
SMTP: RC4 is blocked now, regardless of the OS settings
Versione 6.0.2163
LastPass: Added support for some multifactor authentications (e.g. Google Authenticator)
Versione 6.0.2155
Support for Windows 10 (Version 1507)
Compiled with Visual Studio 2015 RTM
Versione 6.0.2146
Maintenance release
Versione 6.0.2138
SSH: Removed umac-64
Versione 6.0.2137
SSH: Deprecated umac-64@openssh.com
Replaced Temporary queue pane with Source items pane
Transfer Queue: Replaced set timer function with Start Queue and Stop Queue tasks.
Favorites: Added import of FlashFXP 5.x sites.
New Multi Upload implementation
Added new Colorful theme
Versione 6.0.2133
Transfer Queue: New defaults for number of workers. Global number of workers: 16, per favorite number of workers: 2
Versione 6.0.2128
OneDrive implementation uses new OneDrive API
Improved contrast for Black theme
Versione 6.0.2126
Terminal: Added new global option: Don't allow remote to change window title
Text Editor: Added new option for Smart Highlight: Use bold font for matching braces
Replaced Office 2010 themes with new Light Gray and Dark Gray themes
Added Black theme
Versione 6.0.2121
SSH: Added support to load new OpenSSH private key files
Text Editor: Updated scintilla
Text Editor: Added new setting for the default text encoding
Versione 6.0.2115
New high resolution (256 x 256) icon set
Versione 6.0.2114
SSH: Added support for ed25519 host and user keys
Versione 6.0.2111
S3: Support authentication signature version AWS4-HMAC-SHA256
Versione 6.0.2103
SSH: 3DES, RC4, AES-CBC ciphers are disabled by default
Text Editor: Add find/replace in selection
Versione 6.0.2100
OneDrive: Added support for resumable uploads
Office 2013 Theme: New frame border
Google Drive: Added support for resumable uploads
Versione 6.0.2092
Google Drive: Reduced number of server requests when resolving paths
Added support for Microsoft OneDrive
Versione 6.0.2090
Terminal: Added xterm extended mouse support
To prevent GDI handle exhaustion, the number of open browsers (tabs) is now limited to 32
Additional high resolution icons
Fixed several minor display issues
Versione 6.0.2087
Fix: Text Editor: Copy didn't put the correct HTML content into the clipboard
Updated UI component
Terminal: Fix: Fixed a couple of minor drawing issues
Changed all urls pointing to smartftp.com to https
Versione 6.0.2086
SSH: Deprecated old and weak ciphers: cast128-cbc, blowfish
SSH: Deprecated HMACs: hmac-md5-96, hmac-sha1-96
Terminal: Visual bell no longer requires an extra window border
Terminal: Support for Direct2D 1.1 which brings fast and high-quality (subpixel) rendering.
Windows 7: KB2670838 is now a prerequisite. More Details
Versione 6.0.2085
Fix: Telnet: Disconnect was blocking under some circumstances
Text Editor: Updated Scintilla
Text Editor: Added support for VS Line Copy: Ctrl+C copies the current line if no text is selected
Fix: Windows 7: Transfer Queue: Show log caused catastrophic failure if the log was empty
Fix: Favorites: SSH: Export of public key
Versione 6.0.2084
Added check for the case when the Task Scheduler windows service has been disabled
Fix: Remote Browser: Fixed several issues with the Permissions dialog
Transfer files directly between servers with different protocols. E.g. S3 to Google Drive, or WebDAV to S3
Versione 6.0.2078
Added support for Google Drive
Remote Browser: Regression: Fixed bug with preview
Self signed certificates are now signed with SHA-256
Versione 6.0.2071
Keyboard shortcuts have changed: Ctrl+I = open favorites, Ctrl+J = copy, Ctrl+Shift+J = move
Other unspecified fixes
Versione 6.0.2069
Browser: Focus is no longer lost when browsing with the keyboard
Task Scheduler: Added automatic fix up if there is task named "SmartFTP" in the task scheduler's root folder.
Updated scintilla
Added check whether SmartFTP's shell extensions have "accidentally" been blocked by the user.
Windows 7: Added check for KB2533623 (superseded by KB2758857)
Task Scheduler: Windows 8 / 2012: Added workaround for bug in Windows Task Scheduler
Internal: Refactored url parsing/builder
Internal: LastPass, KeepPass, Activation switched to new http client
Versione 6.0.2064
Updated German translation
Versione 6.0.2059
Text Editor: Corrected line height and antialiasing
Text Editor: Support for Direct2D 1.1 which brings high-quality rendering. To take advantage of Direct2D 1.1 on Windows 7 install the Platform Update
New Task Scheduler which supersedes the legacy scheduler
Internal: New file monitor
Disabled Ident server settings dialog. Feature scheduled for removal
Versione 6.0.2058
Text Editor: Switched from GDI to DirectWrite renderer
Versione 6.0.2053
New glyphs for check marks, triangle, drop down arrow, overflow arrows, pin, close
Layout proportions are correctly adjusted
WebDAV: XmlLite is now used to parse the responses
Fix: Remote Browser: File operation wasn't walking into sub folders during manual folder merge
Versione 6.0.2052
Windows 7: Added check for SP1 in setup
Windows 8: Office 2013 is now the default theme for new installations
FTP: Added MVS path type to force the client to always send MVS path styles
S3: XmlLite is now used to parse the responses
Internal: Serializer for all config files uses XmlLite now
Internal: Replaced debug file logging with ETW provider
Cleanup: Removed import of legacy history files (history.dat)
Versione 6.0.2049
Browsers: Minor fixes when grid lines are enabled
Remote Browser: Folder replace confirmation is now always displayed
Fix: Transfer Queue: Hidden files were ignored
Transfer Queue: Improved read/write performance of items file. (Replaced MSXML with XmlLite)
Scheduler: Improved read/write performance of data file (Replaced MSXML with XmlLite)
Favorites: Improved read performance of favorites (Replaced MSXML with XmlLite)
Versione 6.0.2045
Added File Explorer frequent list to Local Browser menu
Fix: Database logger
Fix: Regression: Grid lines in browser views
Fix: Synchronized browsing for certain locations
Versione 6.0.2042
Browsers: Added Content view mode.
Visual Compare now works in all view and group modes.
Fix: Regression: Transfer Queue: Synchronize: One way with Delete
Updated scintilla
Internal: Separated Scheduler from Transfer Queue
Versione 6.0.2040
Fix: Regression: Remote Browser: Permissions dialog was not initialized correctly
Transfer Queue: The parent destination folder is no longer automatically created. The transfer will fail if the parent destination folder does not exist.
Versione 6.0.2039
Favorite Properties: SSH - Authentication page: Added wizard to import a private key file into the Windows certificate store.
Fix: Remote Browser: Move operation was fully enumerating the folder.
Fix: Windows 7: Workaround for crash bug in ole32 that was caused when a favorite with a corresponding history item was deleted
Versione 6.0.2037
S3: Added Copy Url for HTTP, HTTPS and torrent
S3: Added S3 property page to the property sheet which shows the bucket location, storage class, encryption, versioning
Fix: S3: Rename of folder was broken
S3: Rename does now maintain storage class, encryption and acl
Remote Browser: Improved handling for servers not returning a file size. E.g. Fotki Photos-thru-FTP Engine 2.2
Versione 6.0.2036
Fix: Ascii filters did not apply for uploads
Fix: The passphrase prompt did never show
S3: Added Permission dialog to manage Access Control List (acl)
Fix: WebDAV: Fixed problem with empty folder listing
Versione 6.0.2030
Favorites UI: Added CTCP note to Performance dialog
Windows 7: LastPass, KeePass: Added support for TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2
Fix: Quick find highlight
Transfer Queue: Folder contents are no longer cached
Remote Browser: If the use automatic rule as the default file exist action is selected, folders are no longer enumerated.
Remote Browser: New option in the Settings - Interface dialog which specifies how the remote browser layout is saved.
Versione 6.0.2029
Fix: Ascii filters were ignored
Multi Upload pane: Redesigned UI elements.
Browser: Details pane is themed (Office 2013) now
Transfer Queue: Added database logger (Ultimate edition with Logger addon)
Transfer Queue: New plugin architecture
Versione 6.0.2026
Updated Turkish translation
Transfer Queue: Added file logger (Ultimate edition with Logger addon)
Versione 6.0.2024
Settings: Filter Sets: Internal: Removed extra save & copy operations
Favorite Properties: Removed description for file exist rules
Favorite Properties: Filter: Improved usability of edit conditions dialog
Favorite Properties: Removed edit button for ascii and priority list controls
Fix: Favorites: Windows 8: Incorrect icon for Edit Default Favorite
Fix: Edit Favorites: Create shortcut command was broken
Various other unspecified fixes of minor bugs
Fix: FTP: Upload failed when compression was enabled
Fix: Windows 7: Transfer speed for uploads was limited when CTCP was disabled