SmartFTP Client 2.5 Known Bugs

SmartFTP Client 2.5 - Known Bugs

  • Windows Vista: Local Browser: Auto refreshes for no reason and selection get lost: Local-Brows...esh-t12519.html
  • Windows 2000: Alpha icons/bitmaps in Settings dialog are not correctly displayed. Reason: Common Controls do not support bitmaps with alpha channel.
  • Windows 2000: Transfer Queue item log doesn't update dynamically.
  • Unable to enter minus symbol into number input fields (e.g. Max Retry in Favorite Settings -> Connection dialog). Workaround: Enter 0 and use the down button.
Not considered Bugs
  • Remote Browser: Missing "Parent" folder in List.
  • "On Connect" Event sound/popup is only triggered a connection was established. Not triggered when the directory is read from the cache.
  • Session Queue has been removed.