Disabling FXP


I have to transfer files between a couple of servers, but none of them support FXP.

How should I proceed? I have tried lots of configurations, but no luck.

Is there a way to disable FXP?

version: SmartFTP v1.5.988
os: windows 2000 SP4 with all updates

I'm confused: You want to transfer files via FXP, but ask for a way to disable it? It seems to me you would like to *en*able FXP. SmartFTP supports FXP for all servers that support FXP and have it enabled. There is no way to disable FXP support in SmartFTP, so you could have accidently disabled it, if that's what you mean. You either could ask the FTP server admins to enable FXP (which they most likely will not do due to security reasons) or download the files to your local disk and upload them again to each server. I see no other solution.

I have edited this post because I got it working again.

Sorry guys, the problem was not in the SmartFTP, but of a tunneling program that I'm using to connect to one server as SFTP.

My apologies and best wishes.