File ordering

I have files that are listed or indexed by date and time created.
I would like to retrieve them from smart ftp site in that order instead of in alphabetical order. Is there a way to do this??


not sure i follow "smartftp site" but downloading files in a "block" is fairly easy & the order they download in is soley up 2u.

2do files by date/time: in an open server window where it says "Name(& usually a blue arrow", "Size", & "Date" click once on the "Date" button & the blue arrow will go next 2 it (arrow pointing up older->newer, arrow pointing down newer->older), then w/ the mouse in a white area by the 1st file u want press & hold the left mouse button down & highlight the files u want, then rite click Download->choose the way u want 2 download.

the files will ither download in that order if u choose direct , or they line up in the session or global que window in that oder 4 u 2start the download whenever

Thanks for your help, I figured it out it has to do with how files are placed in the session queue.

Thanks again your answer put me on the right path.


Do not use the session queue. Use the global queue instead its more enhanced. The session queue will be removed in a future version.


Do not use the session queue. Use the global queue instead its more enhanced. The session queue will be removed in a future version.


I've been creating a new folder in the top white area, and then clicking on session q and dragging the files into the middle white area,Then clicking transfer,This has been working.. When I try to use the global q it won't allow me to drag the files into the bottom area (which is the area I thought you used when using global q). Your advice would be appreciated..
